Bikeshedding: a method to refresh os.environ

There was a discussion in Ideas (no need to read, I’ll summarise here) about adding a method to os.environ to allow regenerating its contents from the current process environment. There is no clear agreement on the name.

This is important because os.environ is technically a cache - variables are read at initialisation and are not updated again. Generally, a Python-only app is going to make changes through os.environ, which means it will be written to the cache and everything is fine. No need for this method.

However, if you call os.putenv() directly, or have native code that updates the environment without going through os.environ (e.g. using ctypes to call native putenv, or a library that updates it), those changes will not be visible to Python code. Currently, there’s just no way to get at them other than bypassing os.environ yourself to read the actual environment.

So there’s no dispute about the importance of this functionality - we are the only ones who can realistically provide it, and so we should. However, there’s significant dispute about the naming. You might like to see this message where @vstinner took a vote in Ideas on the options, with os.environ.refresh() being most popular, followed by os.environ.reload() and os.environ.reload_from_process().

The concerns about the name of the method are that the functionality is quite obscure, and generally is not something you would ever use until you’ve identified that your app has this issue. A name like refresh() or reload() potentially suggests a lot of things to a range of potential callers, but it does not suggest “reload if non-Python code in your app is changing the environment without telling you” to someone who’s browsing code completions.

(One obvious thing it may suggest is to refresh or reload the environment from the user profile. This is very much out of scope - it’s been discussed, attempted and dismissed already. There’s no way to know the parent process didn’t modify the environment before launching Python, and so resetting/changing that state may cause new problems.)

The function has already been added to 3.14 as os.environ.refresh() (see third paragraph in the os.environ docs), despite the naming controversy on the Ideas thread and the fact that it was never raised here.

So we’re raising it here to look for core developer consensus on renaming[1] this function. Does refresh() adequately describe what is happening here? Will it be a tempting footgun with that name? (And any brilliant ideas on handling the fact that environ is not really thread-safe at all on any platform…)

  1. Or moving - one proposal was to put it directly in os rather than on os.environ, though people are more likely to stumble blindly upon it in os so I don’t think we gave it much weight. ↩︎


This is incorrect. os.environ[key] = value calls os.putenv(key, value) and del os.environ[key] calls unsetenv(key).

Somewhat related here if discussing putenv and with the prospect of freethreading / subinterpreters now on the table.

My understanding is that putenv is not thread-safe and multiple threads calling in parallel can cause issues like use after free.

This is a repeated topic on the Rust language forums. Rust used a lock in its stdlib to protect calls to putenv but this wasn’t sufficient in the face of external software calling putenv directly.

Presumably CPython is mostly saved from concurrent modification at present by the GIL.

It might be that there’s not much CPython can do to mitigate this risk other than join Rust in waiting for libc to provide safer primitives. I’m not up to date in this topic so I’m unsure if there’s newer ideas.

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Honestly, I think the design problem is more fundamental.

If someone wants an up-to-date environment variable, calling something to refresh the cache and then accessing it creates a needless race condition. The right way, presumably, is os.getenv.

If the goal is to have the dictionary interface, then it should auto-update - or rather, implement __getitem__ to check each time. It violates the principle of least surprise to hear that a dict could have a stale cache. If it’s “backed by” something external, it should automatically be in sync with that.

(I’m sure, changing how os.environ.__getitem__ works is off the table. But there could be a new method and perhaps eventually a deprecation cycle.)

Performance shouldn’t be an issue:

$ python -m timeit --setup "import os" -- "os.getenv('PATH')"
500000 loops, best of 5: 701 nsec per loop

(on 10-year-old hardware btw)

Those who need to make a cache for program correctness can .copy the dict. (Yes, there’s theoretically a race condition here as well. It might be necessary to override .copy to filter out keys that go missing at the exact right instant.)


The process variables are changed, but the values stored in os.environ are only updated if the caller directly updates them (which also updates the process variables). If the caller calls os.putenv themselves, os.environ does not get updated.

Apologies if I wasn’t clear.


Performance can be an issue on other platforms. Anyone who’s using an environment variable in a tight loop is probably already caching it (if they’re worried about it changing partway through), but a repeated operation that regularly queries the environment could notice the difference. (Source: it’s happened to me.)

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os.getenv is just a wrapper around os.environ:

def getenv(key, default=None):
    return environ.get(key, default)

putenv is not thread-safe. os.environ.refresh() is not thread-safe. If we add os.getenv() which returns actuall current value from the environment, it will also be not thread-safe. Current os.getenv() and environ.get() are thread-safe only because they return a cached value, which cannot be broken by concurrent putenv in C code. But they are not thread-safe if os.environ.refresh() is concurrently called. Changing os.getenv() to read non-cached value will make it less thread-safe.

Concurrent use of putenv in C code should be avoided. Concurrent use of os.environ.refresh() in Python code should be avoided. We cannot prevent or even detect if they were used concurrently. We can only add warnings.

And I think this is OK. There are many non-thread-safe functions in the stdlib. The user should use them only if this is safe. For example, call os.environ.refresh() only if they are sure that no other thread reads or modifies the environment or os.environ (including extensions).


That was my immediate thought as well, i.e. keeping os.environ “live”, which gets you os.getenv() for free.

As an aside, the mention of os.environ.refresh() in the 3.14 docs is pretty hidden, which also leads me to consider that maybe we need a different approach.

Let’s assume we can’t change os.environ for backward compatibility reasons. Why not implement a new object called say os.environment that has all the behavior we want?

  • set, del on os.environment update the process’s environment immediately
  • get on os.environment pulls its value from the process environment
  • No caching - you can cache values yourself if performance is critical
  • Locking underneath the hood for thread safety
  • No connection with os.putenv(), os.getenv() or os.unsetenv()
  • No .refresh() needed because it’s always fresh
  • No os.environmentb - however a method could be added such as os.environment.as_bytes() which would return a bytes-view of the process environment and would act exactly like os.environment.
  • Document the os.environment mapping-like object separately for clarity.

I don’t think you’d have to worry about os.system(), etc because changes to os.environment would directly modify the process environment anyway, so subprocesses should inherit it in the “normal” way.

We might end up keeping both os.environ and os.environment, allowing users to choose between performance and synchronicity.


The “environment” is a legacy C “API” that is not thread safe upon any writes and contains no notifications about changes. Being “live” would involve re-parsing the entire potentially huge C array of C strings upon each access. Yes that could be implemented, but it’d be an O(n) walk upon every access. And would be far less safe than our existing dict cache. There’s no good way to do this in a manner that is appropriate for software that is used to fast hash table lookup access to the environment. I don’t think most code actually wants this.

I like the .refresh() API that sounds like has been implemented for 3.14. The name is fine, the details of why belong in documentation. It is very rarely needed. Most C/C++/Fortran/Rust extension module code does not write to the raw char ** C data structure. Especially not in a way that they expect other in process language VMs to pick up on the changes. Which is why this hasn’t come up until now.

As for thread safety, there isn’t much Python can do other than attempt to prevent such issues from the limited view of CPython itself (IIUC we don’t currently explicitly attempt this, as subinterpreters and free threading may be noticing). There is literally nothing that can be done to prevent embedding or extension module code elsewhere in the process from scribbling over it messing everything up.

Somewhat related:


Any reason the name can’t be honest about what os.environ is and call it rebuild_cache() or something?


This is why I think the name is not fine. I went over this a lot in the Ideas discussion so I’ll try avoid repeating this point after this post, but I don’t think most users are going to be able to tell what it does from the name, especially (beginner) Windows users, and that this isn’t what they’re (or anyone that hasn’t personally faced this issues) is gonna think “refreshing the environment” does.

I don’t think a very rare and niche use case should be solved by a function with such a general name.


I think you could avoid that. Let’s add “on demand” to the “live” aspect. E.g. os.environment['FOO'] would map directly to getenv("FOO"), and so on. Iterating over keys would have to iterate over **environ [1] and that might be expensive to support thread-safety or at least a consistent snapshot of name=value entries. That should be rare, and again, os.environment wouldn’t replace os.environ, but instead provide an alternative interface with different semantics.

  1. on POSIX; modulo Windows and *_NSGetEnviron() ↩︎

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I reckon that if you give it any name short of os.environ.refresh_cache_and_no_that_does_not_mean_that_externally_set_environment_variables_will_be_updated_it_only_includes_changes_made_by_this_process_to_this_process_if_you_dont_know_what_that_means_then_this_is_not_the_right_method_for_you() then most Windows users are going to think this is a way to propagate changes they made using Windows’s environment variable editor into already running processes.

Likewise with any variant of os.not_cached_environ. Any mention of the word cache will put anyone who doesn’t understand process environment inheritance down the wrong path of thinking that a cache is to blame for their global environment changes not propagating to existing processes.

Perhaps a name that somehow implies that it’s interfacing directly with the C API (os.c_environ)? I’m hoping to make it sound gutsy enough that anyone who doesn’t know exactly what they’re looking for will steer clear of it (or at least read the docstring).


I afraid that it will be less thread-safe. Currently, getting value is safe – at worst you can get an outdated value, but never crash. If you read it directly from the process environment, what happen if other thread concurrently modifies the process environment? You can get an incorrect partially modified value if it is overwritten inplace or read from freed memory if the buffer for the process environment was relocated. I don’t know implementation details, but there are no guaranties.


I guess your idea is, creating the cache in the first place avoids this issue, because there aren’t other threads running in the Python process environment yet…? Does that cache creation happen at Python startup, or only when os is first imported? Because without running site, os won’t be imported automatically. So I can imagine that someone has two threads that both try to import os for the first time, etc.

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It doesn’t have to be. With a new object like os.environment we can define the semantics we want, so thread locking around critical sections would be possible. Since in my mind, os.environment wouldn’t replace os.environ I don’t think performance concerns would be as important. The user can choose whichever API they want for the task at hand.


Is there significant demand for this to even exist? Several others on the original Ideas thread pointed out how this just doesn’t seem to be needed often enough to have a big public API for it.

The status quo of the dict cache has been the norm for so long. I feel like os.environment vs os.environ could just add confusion in a place where most people need never think about it.

Then the question from library maintainers becomes which one do they use? Maybe some user need updates so they should use the slow unsafe one just in case. That’s a bad decision for any library maintainer to have to make and will result in a proliferation of libraries gaining options around what environment to use and having to decide how to plumb that through and not doing it consistently and … yuck.

The explicitness of a specific API to refresh the global environ cache is nice. That isolates the places where a crash could happen to one particular call made by someone with an explicit need.

The locking isn’t sufficient fwiw, there is no technically wholly safe way to access the environment from C other than doing it at process startup before any threads have been spawned[1]. We can only protect Python users from other Python code.

In modern software stacks other threads must be assumed to exist in-process from code in non-Python languages that are never going to coordinate with CPython’s lock.

[1] which isn’t necessarily even possible in the face of C++ static initializers which run before main and someone with IMNSHO poor design senses could spawn threads from…


I dunno, but this topic does have “bikeshedding” in the subject line :man_shrugging: :smile: . FWIW[1], I’ve never needed anything approaching os.environment or os.environ.refresh() so it’s all the same to me!

  1. for all intents and purposes, indistinguishable from zero ↩︎


This is not possible. The problem is that the process environment may be changed by the code we do not control.


When os is first imported. To mitigate possible problems you can import os early, when you feel that it is safe. BTW, threading imports os, so no worry about Python threads.