Builtins.any performance

I agree with @pf_moore that the such proposal as it is has zero to none success. What I don’t agree with is that it’s not worth exploring this further. This would at least be an interesting exercise.

Although success of going in this direction is uncertain, honest exploration in this direction is beneficial. Results of such endeavour would be valuable regardless of the outcome as long as they bear any significant conclusions.

The way I see it, this is a valid idea. However it is very weak in a sense of 3 aspects:

  1. Readability & intuitiveness. It just doesn’t read well.
  2. Integration. It uses function names as keywords. Also, it is very similar to other comprehensions, while differs significantly in what it does. It could potentially be a big strain on a parser to differentiate which one it is (this is my guess, I don’t have much experience there. But this would need to be explored to put such proposal). Also, it would be confusing to the user. Given its functionality is different, its syntax would ideally be sufficiently distinct to not cause any confusions. To cover this properly, some familiarity with comprehension parsing (and with loop parsing) would be essential.
  3. Flexibility. Comprehension expression is a non-trivial construct. To justify similar introduction, the benefits of its functionality would need to outweigh the cost (which is big on many fronts).

As opposed to this problem:

def any_loop(maps, key):
    for m in maps:
        if key in m:
            return True
    return False

It would at least need to address a more general short-circuiting problem.

def short_cicuit(iterator, expression, n):
    i = 0
    for el in iterator:
        if expression(el):
            i += 1
            if i > n:
    return copysign(1, i - n)

any(key in m for m in maps): short_circuit(iterator, key in el, 1) > 0
all(key in m for m in maps): short_circuit(iterator, key not in el, 1) > 0

These would be my starting points. Interesting exercise IMO. It is difficult to have both flexible and performant short-circuiting tools. I know numpy has explored some options and still there is nothing for it.

What I am looking at is improving performance and performant interactions of existing tools. But the scope of improvements is limited.

What you are suggesting has a much bigger potential, but the size of a task is equivalently larger with much greater uncertainty of the outcome.

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