C API Working Group vacancy (again)

This is a call for volunteers to serve on the C API Working Group. The WG’s charter was established by PEP 731 . Our founding member Guido van Rossum has indicated he’d like to resign his WG membership. We thank Guido for his contributions to the WG’s work, in particular as editor of PEP 731 (“ C API Working Group Charter ”).

According to PEP 731, we (the remaining WG members) are calling for nominations from the core developer community (a term I propose to interpret in the widest sense possible).

We will then decide on Guido’s replacement based upon the available nominations. Self-nominations are all right. You can nominate by replying to this message or via email to any of the remaining WG members. Collecting nominations will be open for one week: until June 27th.

See also C API Working Group vacancy of last month to replace Irit Katriel (Erlend E. Aasland was selected).


I would like to nominate myself again. I have a quite of experience of using and implementing the C API, so I hope I have a good idea of ​​what API is convenient, efficient and conforming to other API.


I’d like to self-nominate as well. I think my past experience as a major contributor to Numpy and matplotlib brings a “C API user” perspective that might be useful.


I strongly support both Serhiy and Mike becoming members of the C API Working Group as they both bring a depth of experience from different perspectives.


Surprise, surprise! The current C API Working Group decided to select both candidates!

Welcome Serhiy and Mike aboard!


Congratulations to both!