I’ve been working on a couple GitHub bots as personal projects, one is black-out, (currently used by miss-islington and blurb-it), and another one is still under development, in which I’m collaborating with another open source maintainer.
The bots are meant as productivity tools, written in Python 3.6+, and hosted in Heroku.
I’m wondering if we can request grant from the PSF to cover the cost of running the bots in Heroku? It costs at least 7 USD/month/bot.
We don’t need to receive fund right away, but wanted to get an idea if this is something that The PSF can help support and fund?
To further clarify, the idea is to develop the bot as GitHub App that can be installed on GitHub repos (user can select which repo they want it to be installed). So it’s not a personal use bot
@Mariatta this is totally doable. If it’s a service that benefits Python Core Workflow or serves the broader Python community, there’s really no question
Aside from black-out are there any other apps you think might fit the bill to transfer to the PSF heroku account?
For practical purposes Ernest and I are the infra team (there are other people on the ML but they’ve either largely stepped away or are dedicated mostly to a specific service).
FWIW, I mirror Ernest here. If someone has a service they need help hosting thst benefits Python or the wider Python community that that’s certainly something we want to enable where we can.
Thank you! This is really good to hear Gives us motivation to continue development and not worry about needing to raise funds somehow.
Raphael Pierzina and I are working on something we’re calling pylabels. This is still in the early planning and design stage, no bot yet I guess we’ll start with our own free heroku instance, and once we’re ready we can transfer it to The PSF?