After phyton instalation, can’t install jupyter notebooks like shows the add tutorial:
Para usar Jupyter Notebook:
Abre la línea de comandos (Terminal en macOS/Linux o Command Prompt en Windows).
Ejecuta el siguiente comando para instalar Jupyter Notebooks:
pip install jupyter notebooks
Una vez instalado, ejecuta el siguiente comando para iniciar Jupyter Notebook:
jupyter notebooks
Se abrirá una ventana del navegador con la interfaz de Jupyter Notebook.
4. Haz clic en “New” y selecciona “Python 3” para crear un nuevo cuaderno (notebook).
this looks similar to pip: command not found. which can be solved by copying the error message to google, then looking at the results. That’s the nice thing about working with the terminal.
I don’t know whether it’s as reliable with spanish, but you might be able to switch the console language to English if it comes to that.