Check My Answer

Please evaluate my Python code and output:

In the Python file, you will be creating a model to predict the age of abalone’s from a subset of the abalone dataset which we provide in CSV format.
Part of the program is already implemented, your goal is to set up the model, train the model on the training data set, and print out some results.”

  1. “Python Age Prediction Project: In the Python file, you will be creating a model to predict the age of abalone’s from a subset of the abalone dataset which we provide in CSV format.”
  2. “Part of the program is already implemented, your goal is to set up the model, train the model on the training data set, and print out some results.”
  3. “These are the following details you need to implement: First, you’ll convert the feature dataset into a numpy array.”
  4. “Then you should create a Sequential model with 2 layers. The first layer should be a Dense layer with 64 units, and the second layer should also be a Dense one with units set to 1.”
  5. “Once the model is set up, you should compile it with a MeanSquaredError() loss and the optimizer set to optimizers.Adam().”
  6. “Then, when you fit the dataset on abalone_features and abalone_features, make sure to set the following values: epochs=10, verbose=0.”
  7. “Finally, you should print both the history from fitting the model, and the model summary.”
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras import layers

abalone_train = pd.read_csv(
“Sex”, “Length”, “Diameter”, “Height”, “Whole weight”,
“Shucked weight”, “Viscera weight”, “Shell weight”, “Age”

# Perform one-hot encoding for the ‘Sex’ column

abalone_train = pd.get_dummies(abalone_train, columns=[‘Sex’])

abalone_features = abalone_train.copy()
abalone_labels = abalone_features.pop(‘Age’)

# Convert to numpy array and float32 data type

abalone_features = abalone_features.astype(‘float32’)
abalone_labels = abalone_labels.astype(‘float32’)

# Create a sequential model

model = tf.keras.Sequential([
layers.Dense(64, activation=‘relu’),

# Compile the model

model.compile(optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(), loss=tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError())

# Fit the model

history =, abalone_labels, epochs=10, verbose=0)

# Print history and model summary


{ [74.98324584960938, 12.322690963745117, 7.765621185302734, 7.502653121948242, 7.229104518890381, 6.997042179107666, 6.799757957458496, 6.645227432250977, 6.521533489227295, 6.418800354003906]}
Model: “sequential”


# Layer (type) Output Shape Param #

dense (Dense) (None, 64) 704

dense_1 (Dense) (None, 1) 65

Total params: 769
Trainable params: 769
Non-trainable params: 0

## Data for this Question: […sp=sharing](

What happens when you try using the code? Is there a specific issue that comes up?

What “part of the program” was “already implemented”? Are you allowed to change that part?

What is the goal of asking us to check this? Do you want to make sure you will get a good mark on an assignment? We do not know your professor’s expectations for coding style etc. However, the assignment gives detailed, specific steps. Do you believe you have followed them? Can you talk through the code and explain how each part is done as required? Basically - what exactly are you worried about?

@kknechtel It is not a school assignment and I did not request an answer specifically. In fact, I gave my answer. All I want is some assistance from an experienced Python (data scientist) to evaluate my answer and make any recommendations where necessary.


Who “already implemented” part of the program for you? Why do you have clear, step by step instructions given to you, if it is not for course work?