Considerations around legal advice

Thanks, Deb! I’m not a lawyer, but it sure seemed so to me too by reading all the text about “indemnification” and such in the current bylaws. But this part of the recently posted FAQ in the parent topic seemed to say the current Board was still seriously scared by the notion of personal liability:

For all I know (I don’t), the indemnification text in the current bylaws was also present when I was on the Board. But whether it was or wasn’t, I was advised at the time that I should obtain “personal” liability insurance.

I don’t even have a clue about the legal meaning of “personal liability”. The only mention of personal liability in the bylaws I can find is:

a director of the corporation shall not be personally liable to the corporation or its members for monetary damages for breach of fiduciary duty as a director

Which appears to have scant connection to what Christopher is warning about (and he already pointed to Article Xii above, from which my quote is taken, so he didn’t think it offered relevant protection either).

Indeed, that FAQ answer is an example of what I was talking about in my post here. It’s telegraphic legalisms presented as unquestionable, absolute constraints. The claims it makes are surprising, too. I’m old, and I’ve never before heard of a membership organization being held legally responsible for anything one of its members did on their own. Well, not under US law.

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