Could you please help me find out the answer to this code?

I’ve spent way too much time trying to find out the answer to this question below but I still can’t :frowning: I think I’m having trouble where It’s talking about the age, but too difficult.

car_value = 10000
purchase_year = 2011
car_age = 8
driver_age = 23
electric = True
emissions_passed = True

#You’re writing some code to determine how much it will cost
#to renew the tag on your license plate.

#Georgia’s tag renewal policies are unnecessarily
#complicated. I’ve simplified them to make this problem even
#doable. They are:

# - Everyone pays $20.
# - If you purchased your car before 2013 (in 2012 or earlier),
# you also pay 1% of its current value in additional tax.
# - If the car is electric, you pay an additional $200 fee.
# (This is real.)
# - To renew, you must have passed an annual emissions check,
# unless your car is electric, or if you’re 65 or over and
# the car’s age is 10 years or older.

#Your code should print one of two messages. If the person
#needs to pass an emissions test in order to renew their tag,
#it should print, “You must pass an emissions test first.”
#This would be the message to print if emissions_passed is
#False and if they are not eligible for either exemption
#mentioned above.

#If the person is eligible to renew their tag, the code should
#print: “Your renewal fee is $__.”, where __ is the renewal
#cost. Round the renewal fee to the nearest integer. This will
#be $20, plus $200 if the car is electric, plus 1% of car_value
#if the purchase_year is less than or equal to 2012.

#Add your code here!

car_value_percentage = int(car_value * 0.01)

if emissions_passed == True:
    if purchase_year <= 2012:
        if electric:
            print("Your renewal fee is $" + str(200 + 20 + car_value_percentage) + ".")
        elif not electric:
            print("Your renewal fee is $" + str(20 + car_value_percentage) + ".")
    elif purchase_year >= 2012 and electric:
        print("Your renewal fee is $" + str(20 + 200) + ".")
    elif purchase_year >= 2012 and not electric:
        print("Your renewal fee is $" + str(20) + ".")
if emissions_passed == False and (not electric and car_age >= 10 or driver_age >= 65):
    print("You must pass an emissions test first.")
    if emissions_passed == False:
        if purchase_year <= 2012:
            if electric:
                print("Your renewal fee is $" + str(200 + 20 + car_value_percentage) + ".")
            elif not electric:
                print("Your renewal fee is $" + str(20 + car_value_percentage) + ".")
        elif purchase_year >= 2012 and electric:
            print("Your renewal fee is $" + str(20 + 200) + ".")
        elif purchase_year >= 2012 and not electric:
            print("Your renewal fee is $" + str(20) + ".")

You’re pretty close, but the code is harder to read in my opinion because emission_passed is being checked first.

I would suggest trying this to simplify.

Instead of starting with checks on emissions_passed:

if emissions_passed == True:

Try instead checking electric and age first:

if electric or age_check:
    # is electric or agecheck
    # - unless your car is electric
    #- or if you’re 65 or over 
     # - and the car’s age is 10 years or older.
   # it requires emissions check
    if emission_passed:
        # not electric and passed
        # not electric and not passed

# and then apply the fees over the top
base_fee = 20
# - If you purchased your car before 2013 (in 2012 or earlier),
base_fee * 1.01
# you also pay 1% of its current value in additional tax.
# - If the car is electric, you pay an additional $200 fee.
base_fee + 200

if can_renew:

And then going with what you have:

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i’m a 15yo programmer, i solved it this way, altough this code only works with integers and not decimals, you can try to do that yourself if u need :wink:

car_value = int(input("car value: "))
purchase_year = int(input("purchase year: "))
car_age = int(input("car age: "))
driver_age = int(input("driver age: "))
electric = bool(int(input("is electric?(1 for yes, 0 for no): ")))
emissions_passed = True
renewal_fee = 20

if not electric:
    if driver_age >= 65:
        if not car_age >= 10:
            emissions_passed = bool(int(input("emissions check passed?(1 for yes, 0 for no): ")))
        emissions_passed = bool(int(input("emissions check passed?(1 for yes, 0 for no): ")))

if purchase_year <= 2012:
    renewal_fee += (car_value / 100)

if electric:
    renewal_fee += 200

if emissions_passed:
    print(f"your renewal fee is ${round(renewal_fee)}.")
    print("You must pass an emissions test first.")
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Thank you so much for the help! I was able to find out the correct answer! Thanks a lot this explanation helped