Difference between + and += operator in Python

What is the difference between + and += operators in python lists?
ie:lst=lst+xy vs lst+=“xy” .

While using with integers, both + and += work somewhat similarly, so I expected both to be producing an error when used with lists; but the results were different when I tried it out!
Only + operator produced an error but += operator added elements by the end of the list

Someone told me that the + operator in lists is called concatenation while += is for the addition of elements.

I don’t understand how & why this happens, I will be thankful if someone could help me.

Mutable python objects may handle in-place addition differently from simple addition.

For lists, in-place addition is basically equivalent to the extend() method. This method does not require a list but accepts any iterable. For your example, the string is iterated and each of the characters within is added as a new element of the existing list.

extend(self, iterable, /)
    Extend list by appending elements from the iterable.

Thanks for trying to help :smiley::smiley:
My confusion is both + and += works somewhat similarly in integers.
but + is producing error in lists while += is acting like .extend() function
Why is that, If += and + have different functionality, how do they differ ?!?!

Hi Hari,

The rule for augmented assignment operators such as += is that, like

other operators, they call a special “dunder” (double-underscore) method

to allow classes to customise what the operation does.

If the special dunder operation doesn’t exist, then the augmented

assignment falls back on the ordinary operator.

So the operation:

obj += x

turns into something like this in the interpreter:

  1. Does obj have the special method __iadd__?

  2. If so, then run obj = obj.__iadd__(x).

  3. If not, then run obj = obj + x.

For integers, there is no special __iadd__ method, and so the +=

operation is just syntactic sugar for n = n + m. Same for strings.

But lists do define a special __iadd__ method, making it an inplace


For lists, + does list concatenation:

mylist + x

requires x to be a list, and it returns a new list formed by

concatenating all the items of mylist and the items of x.

mylist = [10, 20]

new = mylist + [30, 40]  # Can only add list to list.


prints a new list, [10, 20, 30, 40] while leaving the original mylist


But augmented assignment += does in-place concatenation:

mylist += x

and x can be any sequence, not just a list, and it concatenates the

items of x to mylist in-place. It does not create a new list.

mylist = [10, 20]

mylist += [30, 40]  # mylist is now [10, 20, 30, 40]

mylist += (50, 60)  # tuples are okay, not just lists

mylist += "xyz"  # strings are sequences too!


will print [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 'x', 'y', 'z'].

So + and += for lists are still concatenation, just slightly

different versions:

  • + is list-to-list concatenation, and returns a new list

  • += concatenates the items of any sequence or iterator to the

    existing list, in-place.


Wow! I never knew about this
Thanks a lot for teaching me :smiley::smiley:

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The how part is easy to answer. The plus operator and plus-equal operator for lists work like this:

def plus(somelist, seq):
    """Return a new list containing elements from both inputs."""
    if not isinstance(seq, list):
        raise TypeError(f'can only concatenate list (not "{type(seq).__name__}") to list')
    result = somelist.copy()
    for element in seq:
    return result

def plus_equal(somelist, iterable):
    """Extend a list with elements from an iterable."""
    for element in iterable:
    return somelist

The first one creates a new list and leaves the input unchanged. Also, the first one only works with list inputs.

The second mutates in the input list in-place, accepts any iterable for the other input, and returns the mutated list.

The why part is more difficult to answer. One of Guido van Rossum’s talks said it was a design mistake for the plus-equal operator to accept any input iterable. However, it was too late to change the decision without breaking previously valid code. The concern was that some programmers presumed that plus_equal meant the same as list.append rather than list.extend. That led to bugs such as `s += “hello world” adding each character separately rather than adding a single string.

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