Different variables equals to function...Please help me understand

Hello All…really trying hard to interpret this code, hope someone can explain in easiest way.

def eval(a, b, c, d, e)

x, y = eval(a, b, c, d, e)

Peaksr, Meanz, StdDevz, peakvoltages, peakcap, peakdoping, fp, int1, int2, int3, comment, T1, T2, T3, T, N = eval(a, b, c, d, e)


Why variables equals to function eval? thanks in advance

Sorry, I have no idea what you are asking or how to answer it.

I don’t know what a, b, c, d, e, x, y, and all the other variables are.

I don’t know what the eval function does.

And I don’t understand your question.

I will try to guess what are the hard parts to understand.

First I would recommend you learning Python from the easiest concepts. For example I think this free course is good:

  • The character = is used to create an assignment statement. For example:
x = 1      # assigns (binds) the number 1 to the name (variable) x
y = 1 + 2  # assigns the result of 1 + 2 (number 3) to the name y
  • You can also assign tuples. Tuple is an ordered collection of objects.
1, 2         # This is a tuple containing two objects: 1 and 2
x, y = 1, 2  # assigns number 1 to x, number 2 to y
  • Functions can return any object (including integers, strings, tuples etc.)
def function1():
    return 1

x = function1()  # assigns the result returned by the fucntion1
def function2():
    return 1, 2

x, y = function2()  # assigns the result returned by the fucntion2

# In the function2 definition we see that it returns a 2-tuple of 1 and 2.
# In the final effect x will be assigned to 1, y to 2.
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In addition to the points Steven raises, the is the wrong place to ask this question. Please ask this in the Users category, and when you do so show the exact code that’s having a problem, so that other people can run it. Also include what you observe happening and what you expect to happen.

thanks a lot…this really helps me…all the best to you