I’m currently facing issues while attempting to download and install a Python library called “blpapi.” It seems that my company’s proxy settings are causing obstacles. Here’s what I’ve already tried:
Initially, I ran into problems downloading other libraries like “xbbg” and “blpapipd.” Fortunately, these two libraries were available in our company repository, and the following configurations worked for them:
pip config set global.trusted-host repo-group.net
pip config set global.index-url https://repo1-group.net/repository/xbbg
pip install xbbg
As for “blpapi,” I’ve attempted various methods, including proxy settings, but none have been successful:
1 :
pip config set global.trusted-host repo2-group.net
pip config set global.index-url https://repo2-group.net/repository/blplapi
pip install blpapi
2 :
python -m pip install --trusted-host rct-https://repo2-group.net --index-url=https://bcms.bloomberg.com/pip/simple --proxy="proxy:8000" blpapi
python -m pip install --index-url=https://bcms.bloomberg.com/pip/simple blpapi
4 :
python -m pip install --index-url=https://repo2-group.net/repository blpapi
Now, I’m running out of ideas and need your help. Do you have any suggestions or recommendations to help me overcome this proxy-related issue? I’m open to considering any possible solutions you might have. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
** I attempted several solutions I discovered online, but none of them were successful. It’s possible that I might have implemented the solutions incorrectly. I also tried downloading the library manually, but I couldn’t get it to work. I even attempted using different versions, but the issue persisted. Also, the proxy has a my user and a password **
Thanks for your attention!