Multi core version
from bitarray import bitarray
from multiprocessing import Pool
import pickle
import os
from time import perf_counter as timer
class Chrono:
"""Class to measure time intervals and store timing information."""
def __init__(self):
"""Get current time in a list."""
self.bench = [timer()]
def mark(self, tot=False, precision=2, layout="min"):
"""Mark a new event and return the time elapsed since the begining or previous marker.
tot (bool): Default (False) result with previous marker. (True) with the first marker.
precision (int): Default (2), seconds precision.
layout (str): Default ("min") display min or ("sec") seconds only.
str: Time elapsed in the specified format."""
seconds_elapsed = self.bench[-1] - self.bench[-2] if not tot else self.bench[-1] - self.bench[0]
return f"{seconds_elapsed:.{precision}f} sec." if layout == "sec" else f"{seconds_elapsed // 60:.0f} min. {seconds_elapsed % 60:.{precision}f} sec."
def sieve_eratosthene(n, verbose=True):
primes = bitarray()
primes.extend(bitarray('1') * (n >> 1))
print(f"\033[92mMemory use: {n/2/1014/1024:.2f} MB\033[0m by Eratosthene") if verbose else None
for i in range(1, (int(n ** 0.5) + 1 >> 1) + 1):
if primes[i]:
p_sqr_div2 = (p := (i << 1) + 1) ** 2 >> 1
primes[p_sqr_div2::p] = False
print(f"Sieve core: {bench.mark()}") if verbose else None
yield 2
for _ in range(1, len(primes)):
if primes[_]:
yield (_ << 1) + 1
class Constants:
"""Constant values used in sieve calculations.
limit (int): The limit of the sieve.
modulus (int): Primes exclude multiplied together.
candidates (list[int]): Candidate primes within the modulus.
master_loop (list[list[int]]): List of prime numbers. Need when all arrays aren't avaiable.
add (list[list[int]]): sorted sublists and transposed, passed individually for performing parallel sieve in specific residue class."""
def gcd(a, b):
while b != 0:
a, b = b, a % b
return a
def __init__(self, n, exclude):
""" initializes object's attributes.
.limit .modulus .candidates .master_loop .add
n (int): Limit of the sieve. Used to define master_loop.
exclude (list[int]): Prime factors excluded from sieving."""
self.limit = n
self.modulus = 1
for element in exclude:
self.modulus *= element
self.candidates = [i for i in range(1, self.modulus) if self.gcd(i, self.modulus) == 1]
# List of primes == true, referring to the index of candidates.
primes = list(sieve_eratosthene(int(n ** 0.5) + 1, False)) # Local use: Generate a list of prime numbers less than (n ** 0.5) + 1
self.master_loop = [[] for _ in range((primes[-1] // self.modulus) + 1)]
[self.master_loop[_ // self.modulus].append(self.candidates.index(_ % self.modulus)) for _ in primes[len(exclude):]]
# list used for performing calculations in specific bitarray. load or make and save that list
config_file_path = config_path + f"/{exclude}.cfg"
if os.path.exists(config_file_path): # Load constant ADD
self.add = pickle.load(open(config_file_path, "rb"))
else: # create constant ADD if not
self.add = []
for i, value in enumerate(self.candidates):
table_seq = [x + self.modulus for x in self.candidates[:i]] + self.candidates[i:] # reconstruct candidates adding modulus for lower items than value.
self.add.append([item[1] for item in sorted(((x * value) % self.modulus, (x - value) >> 1) for x in table_seq)]) # sorted list with 1st tuple, keep only the 2nd tuple.
self.add = list(zip(*self.add)) # Transpose the sublists to group elements by index.
os.makedirs(config_path) if not os.path.exists(config_path) else None # Make dirpath if don't exist
pickle.dump(self.add, open(config_file_path, "wb")) # Saving constant ADD
def sieve_residue_class(init, i):
"""Perform sieve calculations for one residue class set.
init: object holding constant (limit master_loop modulus candidates)
i: Index used to get {keys} from candidates, representing the specific residue class.
Tuple (specific residue class as keys, bitarays)"""
value = bitarray()
value.extend(bitarray('1') * (init.limit // init.modulus + 1))
for nth in range(len(init.master_loop)): # Iterate each prod_exclude range
for ix in init.master_loop[nth]: # Iterate the sublist to know if prime, datas are the index in candidates.
step = nth * init.modulus + init.candidates[ix] # Convert data into real number
value[(step ** 2 + (step * init.add[i][ix] << 1)) // init.modulus::step] = 0
return init.candidates[i], value
def generate_splited(psize, candidates, modulus, part):
lenarray = len(part[1])
f = [_ * modulus for _ in range(psize, psize + lenarray)]
lst = [f[_] + c for _ in range(lenarray) for c in candidates if part[c][_]]
return lst
def sieve_multicore_residue_class_set(limit, exclude, core, parts):
bench2 = Chrono()
init = Constants(limit, exclude) # initialisation
print(f"\nLimit: {limit} {limit:.4e} \n\nSieving & generation of {len(init.candidates)} primes candidate in residue class set of \033[92m{init.modulus} (modulus) \033[0m"
f"splited into {parts} segments joined in 1 list . on {core} core, \n\033[92mMemory use: {((limit // init.modulus) * len(init.candidates)) /1014/1024:.2f} MB\033[0m by Antoine")
with Pool(core) as pool: # multicore sieve
results = dict(pool.starmap(sieve_residue_class, [(init, i) for i in range(len(init.candidates))]))
results[1][0] = 0
print(f"sieve: {bench2.mark()}")
part_size = len(results[1]) // parts # split array for multicore gen
partitions = {i + 1: {key: results[key][i * part_size:(i + 1) * part_size if i < parts - 1 else None] for key in init.candidates} for i in range(parts)}
print(f"split: {bench2.mark()}")
with Pool(processes=core) as pool: # multicore gen
args = [(segment * part_size, init.candidates, init.modulus, partitions[segment + 1]) for segment in range(parts)]
results = pool.starmap(generate_splited, args)
while int(results[-1][-1]) > limit: # remove extra numbers of the last residue class set
print(f"Generate in list: {bench2.mark()} {len(exclude) + sum(len(result) for result in results)}\nRunning time: {bench2.mark(True)}\n")
return exclude + [item for result in results for item in result]
if __name__ == "__main__":
config_path = "d:/optimus" # path of precal table ADD take some time for big table that's i save
limite = 10000000000
exclusion = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11] # Exclude numbers, need to be primes and consecutive. more you use egal less memory usage for sieving. but shorter the bitarray. need big limits to be efficient. best up to 7 or 11
ant = sieve_multicore_residue_class_set(limite, exclusion, core=12, parts=100) # number of core(process) max 61, and how many time all arrays are splited. create a list, so need alot of memory for big limit
bench = Chrono()
era = (sieve_eratosthene(limite)) # simple
for gen_prime, list_prime in zip(era, (_ for _ in ant)): # firstly the list "ant" is converted into a generator for compare both as generator
if gen_prime != list_prime: # even with the use of generator it's a very long process for big range multicore is realy more quick
msg = "Generator aren't identical."
msg = "Both generator are identical."
print(f"Generator: {bench.mark()}\nRunning time: {bench.mark(True)}\n\n{msg}")
Limit: 10000000000 1.0000e+10
Sieving & generation of 480 primes candidate in residue class set of 2310 (modulus) splited into 100 segments joined in 1 list . on 12 core,
Memory use: 2001.20 MB by Antoine
sieve: 0 min. 0.80 sec.
split: 0 min. 0.27 sec.
Generate in list: 0 min. 31.20 sec. 455052511
Running time: 0 min. 32.28 sec.
Memory use: 4815.40 MB by Eratosthene
Sieve core: 0 min. 48.08 sec.
Generator: 9 min. 22.12 sec.
Running time: 10 min. 10.20 sec.
Both generator are identical.
Limit: 100000000000 1.0000e+11
Sieving & generation of 480 primes candidate in residue class set of 2310 (modulus) splited into 100 segments joined in 1 list . on 12 core,
Memory use: 20012.04 MB by Antoine
sieve: 0 min. 24.60 sec.
split: 0 min. 2.03 sec.
Generate in list: 5 min. 0.28 sec. 4118054813
Running time: 5 min. 26.92 sec.
Memory use: 48153.97 MB by Eratosthene
Sieve core: 10 min. 20.09 sec.
Generator: 122 min. 11.36 sec.
Running time: 132 min. 41.45 sec.