Erno22 error when using shutil.copy

Hi There

I am trying to copy multiple files located in different directories into one single directory. For that I created a text file with the different file paths.

This is my code:
#print(dir (pcpy.open_swmm_input))
import os
import shutil
parent_dir = ‘//HFXDATA4/Data3/221111.00 HRM Creation of Flood Hazard Maps Heavy/40 Design/01 CIVIL’
directory = “inp_temp”
path =os.path.join(parent_dir,directory)
with open(‘E:\Model_File_Path.txt’,‘r’) as fp:
for line in fp:

    shutil.copy2(os.path.join(line), path)


I get the following error (note the added \n after the file extension). Is the added n what is causing the issue?
OSError : [Errno 22] Invalid argument: ‘//Hfxdata4/Data3/221111.00 HRM Creation of Flood Hazard Maps Heavy/40 Design/01 CIVIL/02 Modelling/SWMM/02 Modelling/00 Model Construction/shift_tests/MUSQ_ 1EK_5_6.inp\n’

When you iterate over a file, the lines include the trailing newline "\n" at the end. You need to remove it. Easiest way to do that is:

with open('E:\Model_File_Path.txt','r') as fp:
    for line in fp:
        line = line.strip()

Technically the call to strip() will remove any leading or trailing whitespace, not just a trailing newline, but that’s probably what you want.

Yes, the newline character, which is represented in a string literal using the escape "\n", is not allowed in a filename on Windows. As demonstrated above, call the string’s strip() or rstrip() method to remove the newline character.

Windows filesystems disallow the following characters in filenames:

  • path separators – backslash (\) and slash (/)
  • the file stream separator – colon (:)
  • wildcard characters – asterisk (*), question mark (?), less than (<) (DOS_STAR), greater than (>) (DOS_QM), and double quote (") (DOS_DOT). For example, see the kernel’s filesystem runtime library function FsRtlIsNameInExpression().
  • the pipe operator used by command-line shells – vertical bar (|)
  • ASCII control characters (ordinals 0-31)

The newline character is an ASCII control character, i.e. ord('\n') == 10.

Thank you so much! it worked! I am very new at this.

Thank you Eryk. I’ll keep these tips in mind