I’m still fairly new to Python so I can’t claim I know all the details. I’m using Python 3.11 on Windows 10.
I’m getting this error when I do a cursor.execute(sql,sqlparams) statement. As I’m trying to do proper SQL execution with variables in the SQL statement. The error is:
“psycopg2.errors.SyntaxError: syntax error at or near “)”
LINE 1: …field4 as empid FROM jobcost where (jcenddate >= ? ) LIMIT 10”
This is for Postgresql and I’m passing in a date string in the format ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ and in the SQL statement it must have single quotes around the date. Here is my Python code.
mysql = 'Select field1,field2,field3,field4 as empid FROM mytable where (field5 >= ? ) LIMIT 10'
params = ('2024-03-14', ) # End with a comma to make a tuple.
cur.execute(sql,sqlparams) # cur is my cursor
The SQL should look like this: Select field1,field2,field3,field4 as empid FROM mytable where (field5 >= '2024-03-17' ) LIMIT 10 but I have no way of seeing the query with the date value in it to debug this.
Since I’m new to this surely I’m doing something wrong. The select worked if I did it insecurely using a different method.
What am I doing wrong here? Thank you.
EDIT: All strings in a Postgresql must be enclosed in single quotes like this: SELECT name,job WHERE name='Tom'. Dates are just represented as strings in Postgresql.
mysql = 'Select field1,field2,field3,field4 as empid FROM mytable where (field5 >= %s ) LIMIT 10'
params = (datetime.date(2024, 03, 14), ) # End with a comma to make a tuple.
cur.execute(sql,sqlparams) # cur is my cursor
Two points:
we use %s as a placeholder (sorry for misleading You in another post, Postgresql seems to be a little bit different) and never surround it with quotes
we use datetime.date instead of raw string, the library does automatic conversion of the object to the right format
import datetime
mysql = 'Select ccmasterid as job,ccjobpart,jcenddate,dcmasterid as empid FROM mytable where (jcenddate >= %s ) LIMIT 10'
params = (datetime.date('2024','3','14'), ) # End with a comma to make a tuple.
Error is: “-> params = (datetime.date(‘2024’,‘3’,‘14’), ) # End with a comma to make a tuple.
(Pdb) n
TypeError: descriptor ‘date’ for ‘datetime.datetime’ objects doesn’t apply to a ‘str’ object”
I tried making the year, month and day an int like in your example but I got the same error.