Error: index out of bounds

I’m having a problem trying to run my code. I am getting the message that the index is out of bounds. I tried running the part that has being showing problem separately for n = 9, c = 4 and U with dimision 1x81, as you can see bellow, it seems to be working

U = [-8.41470985e-01, -6.81638760e-01, -4.79425539e-01, -2.47403959e-01,
  3.33066907e-16,  2.47403959e-01,  4.79425539e-01,  6.81638760e-01,
  8.41470985e-01, -8.33843761e-01, -8.00032668e-01, -6.08192095e-01,
 -3.25207319e-01,  9.80459808e-15,  3.25207319e-01, 6.08192095e-01,
  8.00032668e-01,  8.33843761e-01, -5.81147313e-01, -5.76435639e-01,
 -4.47982795e-01, -2.41978646e-01,  1.36309486e-14,  2.41978646e-01,
  4.47982795e-01,  5.76435639e-01,  5.81147313e-01, -1.19943972e-01,
 -1.16307504e-01, -8.53355534e-02,-4.34878176e-02,  9.57975558e-15,
  4.34878176e-02,  8.53355534e-02,  1.16307504e-01,  1.19943972e-01,
  3.78965423e-01,  3.89177337e-01,  3.19770624e-01, 1.80542815e-01,
  7.10981512e-18, -1.80542815e-01, -3.19770624e-01,-3.89177337e-01,
 -3.78965423e-01,  7.15338958e-01,  7.31044969e-01,  5.94841259e-01,
  3.33049195e-01, -9.32965702e-15, -3.33049195e-01, -5.94841259e-01,
 -7.31044969e-01, -7.15338958e-01,  7.52048363e-01,  7.67919215e-01,
  6.23724461e-01,  3.48656958e-01, -1.30101869e-14, -3.48656958e-01,
 -6.23724461e-01, -7.67919215e-01, -7.52048363e-01,  4.74997926e-01,
  4.84909559e-01,  3.93652622e-01 , 2.19943579e-01, -9.08171401e-15,
 -2.19943579e-01, -3.93652622e-01, -4.84909559e-01, -4.74997926e-01,
 -8.88178420e-16,  4.44089210e-15, -2.55351296e-15,  3.33066907e-15,
 -8.60422844e-16,  1.88737914e-15, -8.88178420e-16, -2.22044605e-16,

n = 9
N = 3
c = (n-1)/(N-1)
U_aux = []

for i in range(n): 
    for j in range(n):
        k = i*n + j

        if (i%c == 0) and (j%c == 0):
print(U_aux, '\n')

But when I came back to my code it isn’t. Since it shows the error: “index 29403 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 243”. Can someone help me please?

import math
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix
import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla

def ij2n(i,j,n):
    np_= i+j*n
    return np_

a = -1
b = 1

def h_(n):
    h = (b-a)/(n-1)
    return h

def SolveSystem(n):
    A = lil_matrix((n**2, n**2))

    for i in range(n):
        for j in range(n):
            np_ = ij2n(i,j,n)
            np_right = ij2n(i+1,j,n)
            np_left = ij2n(i-1,j,n)
            np_top = ij2n(i,j+1,n)
            np_bottom = ij2n(i,j-1,n)

            if j==0 or j == n-1:
                A[np_,np_] = 1

            elif i != 0 and i != n-1:
                A[np_,np_] = (-4+10*pow(h,2))/pow(h,2)
                A[np_,np_right] = 1/pow(h,2)
                A[np_,np_left] = 1/pow(h,2)
                A[np_,np_top] = 1/pow(h,2)
                A[np_,np_bottom] = 1/pow(h,2)

            elif i == 0:
                A[np_,np_] = (-4+10*pow(h,2)-h)/pow(h,2)
                A[np_,np_right] = 2/pow(h,2)
                A[np_,np_top] = 1/pow(h,2)
                A[np_,np_bottom] = 1/pow(h,2)

            elif i == n-1:
                A[np_,np_] = (-4+10*pow(h,2)-h)/pow(h,2)
                A[np_,np_left] = 2/pow(h,2)
                A[np_,np_top] = 1/pow(h,2)
                A[np_,np_bottom] = 1/pow(h,2)


    B1 = []
    B2 = []
    x = []

    for i in range (pow(n,2)):
        if i<=n-1:

    B = np.transpose(np.concatenate((B1, B2)))

    #Resolution of the system AU=B
    A_csc = csc_matrix(A)
    U = spla.spsolve(A_csc, B)
    return U

# Setting number of point for the solution
n = 243
h = h_(n)
U = SolveSystem(n)

#Defining x_0, x_f, y_0 and y_f
x_0 = -1
x_f = 1
y_0 = -1
y_f = 1

# plotting
x = np.linspace(x_0,x_f,n)
y = np.linspace(y_0,y_f,n)
Xref, Yref = np.meshgrid(x,y)

fig = plt.figure(figsize = (8,8))
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
ax.plot_surface(Xref, Yref, U, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, linewidth=0, antialiased=True)
# rotation
ax.view_init(30, 60)

N = [3, 9, 27, 81]

hvals = []
for i in range(4):

U_aux0 = SolveSystem(N[0])
U_aux1 = SolveSystem(N[1])
U_aux2 = SolveSystem(N[2])
U_aux3 = SolveSystem(N[3])

def function(x):
    c = (n-1)/(N[x]-1)
    U_aux = []
    for i in range(n): 
        for j in range(n):
            k = i*n + j

            if (i%c == 0) and (j%c == 0):

    return U_aux
E = np.zeros(4) 
U_aux = function(0)
E[0] = np.subtract(U_aux-U_aux0)
U_aux = function(1)
E[1] = = np.subtract(U_aux-U_aux1)
U_aux = function(2)
E[2] = = np.subtract(U_aux-U_aux2)
U_aux = function(3)
E[3] = = np.subtract(U_aux-U_aux3)