Hello, I’m trying to make a command prompt thingy. When I try and open it in a preview on PyChamp the code runs fine, but in a regular file it closes, and I was able to see the error Python error Traceback(most recent call last): I know the problem is where I try to import pythonroblox. Any help?
import pythonroblox
import time
import os
ex = 0
print("Thanks for using me! Type 'commands' for help!")
while ex < 1:
cmdd: str = input("Enter a valid command: ")
if cmdd == "group":
grp: str = input("Group ID here: ")
groups = pythonroblox.Groups()
result = groups.search_id(grp)
groupmem = result.member_count
groupname = result.name
groupid = result.id
descg = result.description
groupown = result.owner_name
print("["+groupname+"]", "Member Count:", groupmem, "| Group Owner:", groupown, "| Description:", descg, "| Group ID:", groupid)
EDIT: sorry if this has an obvious answer, I just started a few days ago.
Hello, I’m trying to make a command prompt thingy. When I try and open it in
a preview on PyChamp the code runs fine, but in a regular file it closes, and
I was able to see the error Python error Traceback(most recent call last): I
know the problem is where I try to import pythonroblox. Any help?
Paste this line at the very top of you file and run it again:
It will suggest a command to run from the command line.
Run that command, replacing <package_name> with just pythonroblox,
remove the helpful line you added the top and try running your program again as