Hi folks,
I am developing a feature for the GitHub - pipefunc/pipefunc: Lightweight function pipeline (DAG) creation in pure Python for scientific workflows 🕸️🧪 package which allows to easily construct pipelines (workflows) from a set of callables. Now I would like to make sure that types between the pipeline functions match. It supports N-dimensional map-reduce operations where outputs are stored in a numpy.ndarray(..., dtype=object)
or equivalently np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[object]]
I want to be able to additionally keep the type of the elements of the object array in the type hint.
I thought I could use typing.Annotated
for this and store the type of the elements in my object array in the metadata. For example, for strings I would have Annotated[np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[object]], str]
. Now the problem is that this is quite verbose and would like to use generics to do:
T = TypeVar("T")
Array = Annotated[np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype(object)],T]
and then have folks use it like:
def f(x: Array[int]) -> int: ...
However, as I discovered, generics don’t work in Annotated
’s metadata.
So I came up with:
T = TypeVar("T")
class Array(Generic[T]):
def __class_getitem__(cls, item):
return Annotated[np.ndarray[Any, np.dtype[object]], item]
But this doesn’t work for mypy (expected I guess) and additionally, it is giving me a lot of trouble with evaluating ForwardRef
s, so therefore I am looking for advice on how to best implement this.