I am trying to build an image with python 3.8 as a base image and my requirements.txt file has two internal software which are stored in jfrog artifactory. Where I am getting an error Getting an eror ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement ~=2.1.0 (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for ~=2.1.0
When I tried to install the software on my local by using pip install --index-url https://artifactory-artifactory url
it’s getting installed on my local
No, packages are getting installed on my local vs code and not using gitlab pipeline. When trying to use pipeline getting the error as
Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement ~=2.1.0 (from versions: none) ERROR: No matching distribution found for ~=2.1.0
Are you trying to set up a CI pipeline for Gitlab? That would be relevant information to include in your opening post.
Sounds like the runner isn’t configured to use your artifactory index. How are you attempting to install these packages in the runner, and how are its indices configured?
Yes , I am trying to setup CI pipeline for gitlab. I am fetching the packages in the dockerfile using credentials of JFrog artifactory. I am not installing packages in the runner. Currently using gitlab hosted runner. Indices configuration is from JFrog artifactory side only.
I haven’t dabbled much with Gitlab CI, so it’s not clear to me exactly what it is you are trying to do. Perhaps someone else has more experience, but this sounds more like a Gitlab problem than a Python problem.