GitHub Issues Migration is coming soon

As you might know,
the Steering Council is working on migrating the data that is currently residing in Roundup at (BPO) into the GitHub issues of the CPython repository hosted there. The ultimate goal is to move user- and core developer-provided issue-reporting entirely to Github. We will leave BPO running in a read-only state to ensure existing URLs online continue working. Each issue that currently exists on BPO will include metadata indicating where it was moved on Github. New issues will only exist on Github.

We hope that this will lower the bar for newer contributors and allow for a much smoother user experience than weā€™re currently having. More details in the accepted PEP 581.

Unfortunately, this is not an easy task technically, procedurally, or legally, as it involves coordinating with several external actors and solving technical challenges mostly unique to our current circumstances. As a result, while progress was steady, it took a long while to get to this point. I was asked by the Steering Council to take over project management on the migration. Since January Iā€™ve been working with @ezio-melotti and our friends on the Github side to push the transition to completion.

Feedback, please

At the current stage, weā€™re asking you to take a look at the links and important dates below, and share any feedback you might have. To help us keep this process effective, please report concrete issues on You can treat it as exercise in using Github issues :wink: Questions and general discussions of course welcome on and python-dev.

Multiple dry-runs of the technical side of things were already completed, please take a look at some example migrated issues:

Issues Ā· python/issues-test-demo-20220218 Ā· GitHub

We are also reworking the Issue Tracker documentation in the Developerā€™s Guide, including a new FAQ section that is intended to answer any questions BPO users may have with regards to differences in the workflow when working with Github issues. See the rendered PR here:

Look for the ā€œIssue Trackingā€ section which now includes two sub-pages: Github labels and ā€œGithub issues for BPO usersā€. If youā€™d like to see the raw PR, here it is:

Document using Github issues as the issue tracker by ambv Ā· Pull Request #814 Ā· python/devguide Ā· GitHub

Important dates

NOTE: those dates have been changed on 3/7 and now (3/31) changed again.

We now propose the following migration roadmap:

  • Friday, February 18th 2022: public feedback gathering period begins.
  • Friday, March 18th 2022: final end-to-end test migration executed with Githubā€™s help to gather timings and ensure no blockers. We will be using 10% of issues for that test.

Final migration:

  • Friday, April 8th 2022 (sic) migration begins. BPO is put in read-only mode at 6pm UTC / 2pm ET / 9pm IDT. Data from BPO is exported and put in a temporary repository (this takes around ~22 hours with our current timings) on Github.
  • Saturday, April 9th 2022: Github starts transfer of the issues in the temporary repository to

The migration is estimated to take anywhere from 1 to 3 days, depending on the load on This is why we will be performing the bulk of it during the weekend to speed things up. While the migration is happening:

  • creating new issues WILL NOT be possible either on Github or on BPO;
  • creating new PRs and interacting with existing PRs will be possible on Github without interruption;
  • interaction with already migrated issues on Github is possible but destructive actions (changing issue titles, editing comment content, deleting comments, removal of labels) are HIGHLY DISCOURAGED as it will make it harder for us to audit whether the migration fully succeeded. In case we are unable to make the in-flight issues invisible until the migration is done, we will create pinned issues and bug tracker templates that explain the situation clearly to users.

Once the migration is over, we will notify everybody that they can interact freely with Github issues. In the unlikely case that the migration cannot be completed in 7 days, the Steering Council decided that we would abort it and re-enable BPO again.

Details of the plan along with some risk mitigation strategies are described in Migration and risk management plans Ā· Issue #13 Ā· psf/gh-migration Ā· GitHub. That plan overrides what is currently written in PEP 588 at this point, we will merge the contents next week so that the PEP is up-to-date.

The LLVM project made a similar migration from Bugzilla in November 2021 and it took them 21 days to complete. We are lucky to be able to use their experience on the matter. We also have time estimates based on existing test runs and communication with Github employees. We are looking into ways of accelerating the process but it looks like it might not be feasible to move our database of over 50,000 issues any faster than in 4 - 7 days. Github managed to figure out a way to speed up the migration so it takes less than 4 days in total.

Lastly, several legal concerns with respect to the procedure, process, and content were raised. In particular, the question of whether the Python Software Foundation should be able to move user-generated content as well as potentially personally-identifiable information from BPO to The Steering Council together with Python Software Foundation lawyers resolved this issue with the following conclusion: the migration of BPO to Github is a ministerial, internal issue, and therefore one that doesnā€™t require user consent. Both BPO and Github are public-facing systems. Users actively placed their information (including PII) in the BPO system, which actively grants consent for that information to be stored, publicly accessible, and distributed on-demand. Changing our backend to Github does not revoke that permission. At the same time, the migration will not be surfacing any new user information that wasnā€™t previously publicly accessible in the BPO system.


Summing up, the migration is underway. Weā€™re doing everything we can so that by PyCon US it will already be old news.

In the mean time, please look at the test runs to see if everything is clear to you. If you have any questions, please look at the devguide PR to see if they are already answered in the FAQ. If not, let us know to add the question.


Thanks for the great write-up and for everyone involved for moving this forward!


Is there a way to mark the (large) subset of older/closed/inactive issues (i.e. very unlikely to be modified) as read-only and migrate those first? Then proceed with the remainder per the plan you described above. Assuming the remaining issues would be much fewer than the inactive ones, Iā€™d expect the disruptive part of the migration would be much (proportionally?) shorter.


This is technically doable, but the issue IDs will end up scrambled if we import new issues first and old issues later, since the transfer tool imports them chronologically and assigns them sequential IDs starting from the ID of the last PR plus one (PRs and issues share the same namespace). The original issue IDs will be lost anyway (also due to conflicts with existing PR numbers), but Iā€™m trying to at least preserve the assumption that the ID order matches the creations order.

If we decide that this is not important and to migrate in two stages, I would have to tweak the exporter tool to select and export the newer subset first (or just open issues), then a different subset with the remaining issues (while being careful not to miss any), then import them into two separate new repos, then transfer the newer subset to python/cpython (these will get lower IDs), then open up the repo to the public so that users will be able to open new issues (with higher IDs), and then transfer the older issues (which will get even higher IDs).

Issue (re)numbering is discussed at Issue (re)numbering Ā· Issue #1 Ā· psf/gh-migration Ā· GitHub (even though most of the idea suggested earlier in thread have been abandoned due to the limitations of the transfer tool).

@ezio-melotti, if I understand correctly, Eric is asking about the opposite to what you described. Heā€™d like to migrate the old issues first, only marking those as read-only on BPO.

This idea is very complicated in practice because:

  • as soon as those closed issues were migrated, Github issues would be open and would require policing that ā€œthis is for old issues only for now, please donā€™t create new ones!ā€;
  • while closed issues are closed, some still receive activity, to the point of being re-opened.

We currently donā€™t have the ability to keep Github issues disabled during the migration. Our friends at Github are looking into whether this could be introduced but from their initial assessment, it looks like they would need a much longer timeframe to implement changes to their migration tooling than we are willing to wait.

The idea to have two issue trackers open at the same time is making me nervous.

Oops, I got that backward :slightly_smiling_face:

I agree that having two issues trackers open at the same time is very error prone, and something we should avoid. Starting the migration from the older issues (after we freeze bpo) is what we are currently planning to do, thatā€™s why I though @eric.snow was proposing the opposite, since that might indeed make the transition shorter if we are willing to sacrifice ID ordering.

Thanks to both of you for the clear responses.

Also, I donā€™t mean to suggest more work for anyone. Iā€™m only thinking of possibilities for reducing the downtime to the core workflow. 4-7 days feels like the end of the world. :scream:

FYI, I feel a little awkward offering advice like this on a project on which Iā€™m unlikely to be putting actual effort. Just know that I support this project, I believe youā€™ll do your best, and you have my full support (whether or not you take my suggestions). :heart_eyes:

Yikes! Is there any indication of how this impacted contributions afterward?


Itā€™s a shame that we canā€™t disable issues temporarily.

Would it be possible to migrate the inactive issues into a different GH repo and then move the issues over to the CPython repo afterward (but just before migrating all the active ones)? IIRC, GH already has a public (UI) mechanism to move issues between repos. Or perhaps weā€™d need the fine folks at GitHub to do that part for us due to the scale and the race on creating new issues. Regardless, thatā€™s an established workflow on GH so as a workaround itā€™s less likely to be fragile or problematic.

Agreed. Thatā€™s why I suggested marking those issues as read-only in BPO (if possible). Anyone that wants to re-open one of those issues could wait until the migration is over. This is worth it if it means the project-wide downtime is drastically reduced.

To be clear, Iā€™m not saying we pre-migrate all closed issues. We would do it for closed issues that were closed more than 3(?) months ago and any open issue that hasnā€™t had any activity for 6(?) months. Iā€™d call that ā€œrelatively inactiveā€. The actual thresholds would roughly match issues that are unlikely to having any activity during the start of the pre-migration to the end of the actual migration.

Yeah, itā€™s definitely worth avoiding that.


I have a question about those mannequin users. Is it possible to filter issues by a specific mannequin author? author:username doesnā€™t seem to be enough but perhaps thereā€™s some other way to do this.


Your comment already led us to consider and discuss a couple of different approaches and optimizations. We will perform a full test migrations beforehand to get a more accurate time estimation, and then consider the trade-offs involved and decide whether to add optimizations or not.

If I understand correctly the actual transfer eventually took them a couple of days, but it had a few false starts and issues. Iā€™ve been talking with the project manager of the LLVM project and a few other people that performed similar migrations in the past, so that we could learn from their mistakes and avoid them.

I can ask him about the impact of the migration, even though their goals and priorities were somewhat different from ours.

The migration plan describes this in more details, but basically we are doing what you described:

  1. make bpo read-only and export all issues
  2. import all issues in an empty repo
  3. transfer the issues from the empty repo to python/cpython

The first step takes about half an hour, the second step about a day, and the rest is taken by the third step.
The third step is already handled by GitHub from their backend and we donā€™t have control or opportunities to optimize it unless we decide to import a smaller subset first (e.g. only the open/active issues) and open up the issues to everyone while the older issues are still being transferred (this is possible, but will mess up the ID order). There is some room for optimization during the second step, but we have to see if itā€™s worth the extra time/complexity/risk.

Exporting old issues and marking them as read-only as they are exported is technically doable, but will require some work. The main issue with this is that if we canā€™t keep the ā€œissues tabā€ disabled on GitHub during the transfer, people will see some old issues appearing on python/cpython and might start interacting with them and creating new ones before the migration is completed.

We are currently looking into possible solutions to fix this, so stay tuned :slight_smile:


Good question! GitHub supports a few different filters: author:, assignee:, commenter:, mentions:, involves: but none of these seem to work with mannequins. All nosy list members are @mentioned at the top of each issue, but apparently this is not enough to make mentions: work.

I will ask the GitHub team if this is expected and if there is any solution, and in the meanwhile I can offer two workarounds:

  • since all the nosy list members are listed at the top, just a plain search for the username will return all the issues the user was following. In the result list, the author is also displayed, so (assuming there arenā€™t too many), you could manually select the ones with a certain author.
  • we are planning to send out an email to bpo users after the migration with a list of issues they created and/or followed and the corresponding GitHub link. This will allow them to subscribe to those issues. See Notify bpo users once the migration is done Ā· Issue #12 Ā· psf/gh-migration Ā· GitHub for more details.

Unfortunately there doesnā€™t seem to be a way to automatically subscribe other people, except for mentioning them en masse generating a flood of notifications.

Edit: GitHub said that mannequins are not expected to show up in user searches (e.g. author:).

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Would it be possible to first create a dummy GH issue for each BPO issue, remember the mapping, and then migrate the relevant subset (e.g. active-only) to the corresponding GH issues? Then we could ā€œquicklyā€ migrate all the active issues first without losing the desired ID order.

(Honestly, that sounds messy and too complicated, but it at least seems feasible. :slightly_smiling_face:)

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AFAIK the transfer tool can only transfer whole issues at once, and it will create a new issue with a new ID ā€“ it canā€™t transfer into existing issues.

Is it part of the plan to ask people to review old issues and close them if they are no longer relevant? This migration is an opportunity to deep clean bpo.

If we migrate an issue and nobody from the nosy list chooses to follow it on github, or even just the OP, it would be nice to know why that is.


We havenā€™t thought that far ahead but this sounds like a great idea.

Iā€™m in the nosy list of 885 BPO issues. Should I expect 885 emails, or can you disable sending email notifications to all users of the 40k+ issues?


The email I was talking about would be a single email sent from bpo, listing all issues you created/followed/are assigned to. This would be especially useful for occasional contributors that follow at most one or two dozen of issues, since they can go through them, review them, and resubscribe manually (if they are still interested).

However I do realize this is not ideal for very active contributors like you (Iā€™m in the nosy list of over 4000 issues myself, so I definitely hear you). Iā€™m still looking for a better solution that would allow to either preserve the nosy list subscriptions, or restore them after the migration.


Maybe give a list of the 50 most recent issues. For persons who are in the nosy list of more than 50 issues, add a link listing all issues?

Does the email will contain a link to the ā€œnewā€ GitHub issue?

I updated the issue tracking this (Notify bpo users once the migration is done Ā· Issue #12 Ā· psf/gh-migration Ā· GitHub) with some more comments and ideas.

The lists are already available on bpo by clicking on the sidebar, but currently thereā€™s no easy way to open GH issues directly from the list (this can be fixed though, I added a note to Add links from bpo to GitHub Ā· Issue #15 Ā· psf/gh-migration Ā· GitHub). A mail with the lists will still be useful to inform users about the migration and for users that lost their bpo access and canā€™t access the lists.

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Good idea! I added a note about this in Notify bpo users once the migration is done Ā· Issue #12 Ā· psf/gh-migration Ā· GitHub

People tend to report, comment, and follow issue when they are relevant to them. As time passes, they either find other workarounds and solutions, lose interest, forgot the context of the issue, or get busy with other things and this might lead them to ignore those issues (or in some cases actively unsubscribe, especially if they are a source of noise in their inbox). This doesnā€™t necessarily make the issue invalid: it might still affect people, even though they are not subscribed to the issue.

On the other hand, recently @guido shared an interesting article about noisy monitors (by Sam Schillace) that argues that the noise caused by those old issues might end up being more detrimental than the issues themselves.

Some time after the migration we can certainly review issues with no subscribers and decide whether we want to close them or not. This will also become easier if we set up an action to mark inactive issues as stale (even though, IMHO, the final judgment should be given by a human and they shouldnā€™t be closed automatically).

The closed IDs arenā€™t going to be useful anyway though, right? All existing commits and NEWS items will still have to go through bpo anyway, or is there some redirection mapping that will handle that?

While thereā€™s always some amount of further discussion on closed issues, the vast majority are never going to be touched again. Why recreate them?

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If you want to search closed tickets for some error message, for instance, you want to search in only one place.

There are issues where the problem is not fixed, but the ticket has relevant discussion and workarounds.