Guide me through this code

I found this code on the web, and i have been reading it 100times but i do not get it. It makes no sence… i’ve tried to print(i), print(left_node) etc to see what happens at each step.

I also now trying to understand the difference between (), and . I’ve understood or seen the difference between the usage of these two before but forgot.

i cant understand how the the -2 in the for loop works with the len func → for i in range(len(li)-2)
then the: → current_node = li[i + 1] and right_node = li[i+2]

li = [100, 78, 98, 62, 54, 36, 145]
res =

for i in range(len(li)-2):
left_node = li[i]
current_node = li[i + 1]
right_node = li[i+2]
if current_node < left_node and current_node < right_node:

something is blocking me!!

Please wrap code in triple backticks to preserve the formatting:

if True:
    print(''Hello world!')

You can do that by selecting the code and then clicking the </> button.

There are only 7 items in li, which means the loop only runs five times. Why five? Because 7 - 2 equals 5.

That makes it completely plausible to step through the loop yourself using pencil and paper. Here are the first two steps, which means you only need to do three more:

Iteration i = 0
left_node = li[i] = li[0] = 100
current_node = li[i+1] = li[1] = 78
right_node = li[i+2] = li[2] = 98
current_node < left_node and current_node < right_node? Yes
so res <- [78]

Iteration i = 1
left_node = li[1] = 78
current_node = li[2] = 98
right_node = li[3] = 62
current_node < left_node and current_node < right_node? No
so no change to res

Just from two steps, you should be able to see that the loop walks through the list collecting three items at a time, and then compares those three items.

I found this code on the web, and i have been reading it 100times but i
do not get it. It makes no sence…

This is partly why we like code to come with comments.

i’ve tried to print(i), print(left_node) etc to see what happens at
each step.

A good approach. I’d be inclined to:

 print(i, left_node, current_node, right_node)

in one go to easily see how they’re grouped.

I also now trying to understand the difference between (), and . I’ve understood or seen the difference between the usage of these two before but forgot.

Square brackets do 2 things in Python:

  • define a list
  • index an object (for example a list or a dict)

With some object to the left, it is the indexing operation:


Here li is the object being indexed and i is the index used to get
something out of li.

Without something to the left, we’re defining a list:

 li = [100, 78, 98, 62, 54, 36, 145]

There’s no object to the left of the [ (between the = and the [).

Round brackets do 3 things in Python:

  • grouping in expressions
  • calling functions (or methods - any callable)
  • syntactly defining a context which defines a tuple;
    technically the brackets are not part of the tuple syntax, they’re
    just grouping again :slight_smile:

Grouping in expressions when operation order from the default precedence
is not the desired order. Eg:

 twenty_three = 8 + 3 * 5
 fifty_five = (8 + 3) * 5

Calling functions. Again, with an object (the callable) to the left:


Here, res.append is the list type’s append method, bound to the
res object. So that res.append becomes a function which appends to
res. Then you call res.append with current_node. And the brackets
after the object (res.append) cause the call.

So now we have:

  • indexable_object[index]
  • callable_object(argument_value)

Tuples: you will often see:

 x = (1, 2, 3)

Here’s we’ve defines a 3-tuple with values 1, 2 and 3. A tuple is
effectively a read-only list: you cannot change its values after
you’ve made it. For example, you can’t .append to a tuple. But you can
index it, for example.

Note: here, the brackets are not part of the tuple syntax. They’re
just grouping. This means the same thing:

 x = 1, 2, 3

The brackets are only requires where (precedence again) the expression
would mean something else. Example:

 print(1, 2, 3)

Here we’re calling the print() function with 3 arguments. But if we
wanted to print a tuple we’de write:

 print( (1, 2, 3) )

The brackets group the 1,2,3 together as a tuple and are needed
because the precedence of the comma between function arguments is higher
than the precedence of a comma making a tuple. So in function arguments
the 1,2,3 is 3 arguments. Using brackets for the argument makes it one
argument, which is a tuple.

i cant understand how the the -2 in the for loop works with the len func → for i in range(len(li)-2)
then the: → current_node = li[i + 1] and right_node = li[i+2]

Let’s look at the code:

li = [100, 78, 98, 62, 54, 36, 145]
res = []

for i in range(len(li)-2):
     left_node  = li[i]
     current_node  = li[i + 1]
     right_node = li[i+2]
     if current_node < left_node and current_node < right_node:

I’ve aligned the if-statement with the other statements in the loop

We define a list li of the numbers you want to examine, and an empty
list res which will accrue the result numbers.

Let’s look at the loop body first:

 left_node  = li[i]
 current_node  = li[i + 1]
 right_node = li[i+2]

This picks 3 adjacent values form the list li at positions i, i+1
and i+2. If the middle of those 3 elements is less than the elements
beside it, it gets added to the res list:

 if current_node < left_node and current_node < right_node:

Now let’s look at the loop. If we want to examine all the 3-element
subspans of the list, we need to start at indices 0, 1 and 2 (i.e.
when i is 0) and end with the rightmost index being the last index
in the list (i.e. 6 for your example list).

Because indices in Python count from 0, the last index is len(li)-1
i.e. 6 because you have a 7 element list.

The range(n) function returns values from 0 though n-1, just like
the list indices for a list of length n. So typically you’d use it as

 for i in range(len(li)):

However, inside the loop you access not just index i, but also i+1
and i+2. So you need your range to count 2 fewer places to prevent
i+2 being off the end of the list. That is why this loop uses

Cameron Simpson