Help a new User

Well i just downloaded Python and the whole thing is still new to me and still trying to navigate. I am trying to create copy trading bot and this is how far i could go and need help. where do i put this commands in python

My friend you have so much to learn.

Have you got a text editor? (notepad will do in a pinch, but you could try VSCode)

Can you open a terminal?

Can you get to the python prompt?

Are you using Windows or Linux (or MacOS)?


Heh, not to discourage you, but this is sort of like saying, “I bought a guitar, how do I fill a stadium with fans for my rock concert?”

I’d start with general beginner tutorials. This page may be a good start: Reddit - Dive into anything

But more specifically: lots of people think they can just “use a computer” to make money by doing stock trading or create bots to play perfect games of online poker or something. Even Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage thought they could use the analytical engine to predict horse races. It’s best to put that idea to rest. But learning to program is still useful, creative, and fun.


True statement. :wink:

If you’re just starting out, I would advise to shy away from working on “projects” as they can be a cause for confusion if you haven’t yet learned the fundamentals. Here is a generalized Python learning flow:

Start with the flow in red then with the flow in blue. This should be enough to get you started on learning the fundamentals of Python.

Make sure you understand each subject fully before moving on to the next subject. Once you return to your “projects”, you will be on a more solid footing.

Once you have learned these fundamentals, you can move on to more complex subjects, say functions?

Good luck to you. :v:

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Python is easy to learn, but yoyu still need some hardwork.Good luck!

My advice is “just do it”. Practice, practice, practice. You can start from running Python interpreter from the command line and begin your experiments.

For example, you can think about calculations.
How to get 3+5? Just put “3+5” to the console.
How to raise 3 in power of 6?
Write “3**6”.
And so on.

There a tons of books and documentation which you can use. But key things are just passion and practice.

I wish you all the good luck!