Help deleting python Launcher

Hi, I don’t know if this is the right place to come, but I am trying to delete my Python launcher to downgrade my Python edition. I currently have Python launcher, and I must have cleared my cache at some point, as it is not letting me delete this or redownload any other versions.

I tried looking on the Python website to redownload this edition and get the launcher.msi file, but it seems to not be there. is there a way to get rid of this so I fix this problem.

[zkh15] Zayan Hossain zkh15
September 17

Hi, I don’t know if this is the right place to come, but I am trying to
delete my Python launcher to downgrade my Python edition. I currently
have Python launcher, and I must have cleared my cache at
some point, as it is not letting me delete this or redownload any other

AFIK you don’t need to download the launcher to downgrade Python. It
just looks for Pythons, and lets you pick the one you want via command
line, or by setting a default in its ini file. On a Windows test box,
for example, I have this setup:

py --list
-V:3.13 Python 3.13 (64-bit)
-V:3.12 * Python 3.12 (64-bit)
-V:3.11 Python 3.11 (64-bit)
-V:3.10 Python 3.10 (64-bit)
-V:3.9 Python 3.9 (64-bit)
-V:3.8 Python 3.8 (64-bit)
-V:3.7 Python 3.7 (64-bit)
-V:3.6 Python 3.6 (64-bit)

I tried looking on the Python website to redownload this edition and get
the launcher.msi file, but it seems to not be there. is there a way to
get rid of this so I fix this problem.
If you must get the individual bits from any given release, you can
use a layout - see here:

I am trying to run version 3.10.6, but every time I try to download this version, it is locked due to the launcher. At the point of posting, I had deleted Python, but the launcher for still remained.

I have now installed version 3.11.9 with its launcher in parallel to the other launcher. Are you still saying I can run 3.10.6 with this?

What exactly does this mean?
I assume you are seeing an error message.
Where is that message shown?

I do not know if this answers your question, but I was trying to find the same version to remove or repair the version, and I could only find one version of Python that could download, as all the others came with this message or similar.

Seems like you’ve gotten something weird… never heard of a 3.12.150, and it’s not the kind of version that would get released by the Python project itself… that’s a bugfix release every two months or so for 18 months, and then some security fixes as needed before it goes EOL - hard to imagine a 3.X.Y where Y goes beyond, say, 20, and 3.12 is still young, and you’ve got 150?

Add Remove programs I see a version of 3.12.8090.0 for the Python launcher.
But I only have 1 Python Launcher entry.

I would suggest you uninstall all the python and python launcher entries.
You may need to try them each in turn until they will allow you to uninstall them.

Once you have them all uninstalled then Install the 3.12 kit.

ah, I see… Python launcher version, not Python version… nevermind then, those do appear like that. Mine is, and can happily run all the Python versions I pasted in the earlier reply.