Help Needed: Binance Trading Bot - "List Index Out of Range" and "Precision Maths Ain't Happening" Errors

Hey everyone !,

I’ve been working on a Binance trading bot in Python, but I’ve hit a couple of persistent errors that I can’t seem to resolve. The bot is designed to trade BTC/USDT based on signals generated by some basic TA indicators. However, I’m running into the following issues:

  1. “List Index Out of Range” Error: This error usually occurs when the bot tries to place an order after detecting a buy/sell signal. I suspect it might be related to how I’m handling the order response or processing positions, but I’m not entirely sure.

  2. “Precision Maths Ain’t Happening” Error: This seems to be related to the precision when placing orders. I’ve tried using round() to manage precision, but it hasn’t resolved the issue.

Here’s a snippet of the main part of the code:

# Code snippet goes here (you can include the key parts where errors are happening)

Errors encountered:

Pamela, Found Sell signal for BTCUSDT
Pamela, Placing order for BTCUSDT
An unexpected error occurred: list index out of range
Error: Precision maths aint happening.
Waiting 60 seconds...

What I’ve Tried:

  • Double-checking the precision calculation for quantities and prices.
  • Using round() and other methods to handle precision.
  • Adding debug prints to trace where things go wrong.


  1. Has anyone encountered these types of errors before when working with the Binance API?
  2. Could this be related to how I’m fetching and processing the exchange info for precision?
  3. Are there any better ways to structure the bot’s logic to avoid these issues?

Any help or insights would be greatly appreciated! I’m happy to provide more details if needed.

Thanks in advance!

Additional Context:
I’m using the ta library for technical analysis, pandas for data handling, and binance-python for the API client. The bot is supposed to operate with leverage and place limit and OCO orders.

EDIT: Here’s the full code: [Pastebin link or GitHub Gist].

Feel free to post this on a relevant
subreddit like r/algorithmictrading or r/cryptoprogramming where developers familiar with trading bots and the Binance API might be able to offer assistance.

You need to include the actual code snippet + link.

from sys import argv
from keys import api_key, api_secret
from binance.client import Client
import ta
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from time import sleep
from binance.exceptions import BinanceAPIException, BinanceRequestException
import warnings

Suppress specific FutureWarnings

warnings.filterwarnings(“ignore”, category=FutureWarning, message=“Downcasting object dtype arrays on .fillna, .ffill, .bfill is deprecated”)

spot_client = Client(api_key, api_secret)

tp = 0.01
sl = 0.01
symbol = ‘BTCUSDT’
volume = 0.1

def get_balance_usdt():
response = spot_client.get_asset_balance(asset=‘USDT’)
free_balance = float(response[‘free’])
return free_balance
except BinanceAPIException as error:
“Binance API error. status: {}, error code: {}, error message: {}”.format(
error.status_code, error.code, error.message
except BinanceRequestException as error:
“Binance Request error. error message: {}”.format(
except Exception as error:
print(“An unexpected error occurred:”, str(error))
return 0.0

balance = get_balance_usdt()
print(f"Pamela Your balance is: {balance} USDT")

def get_btc_usdt_price():
price_info = spot_client.get_symbol_ticker(symbol=symbol)
return float(price_info[‘price’])
except BinanceAPIException as error:
print(f"Binance API Exception: {error}“)
except BinanceRequestException as error:
print(f"Binance Request Exception: {error}”)
except Exception as error:
print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {error}")
return 0.0

price = get_btc_usdt_price()
print(f"BTC/USDT Current price is: {price} USDT")

amount in USDT

staking_amount = volume * price / 100

print(f"Pamela, Your stake is: {staking_amount} USDT")

if balance < staking_amount:
print(“Oooops, The balance is less than the minimum, Top Up.”)
print(“Your balance is sufficient, Let’s gooo!.”)

class TradingBot:
def init(self, api_key, api_secret):
self.client = spot_client

def klines(self, symbol, timeframe, limit=500, startTime=None, endTime=None):
        resp = pd.DataFrame(self.client.get_klines(symbol=symbol, interval=timeframe, limit=limit, startTime=startTime, endTime=endTime))
        resp = resp.iloc[:, :6]
        resp.columns = ['Time', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume']
        resp = resp.set_index('Time')
        resp.index = pd.to_datetime(resp.index, unit='ms')
        resp = resp.astype(float)
        return resp
    except BinanceAPIException as e:
        print(f"Binance API Exception: {e}")
    except BinanceRequestException as e:
        print(f"Binance Request Exception: {e}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")

def get_price_precision(self, symbol):
        exchange_info = spot_client.get_exchange_info()
        print(f"Full exchange info: {exchange_info}")  # Debugging line to print entire exchange info

        # Ensure 'symbols' is present in the response
        if 'symbols' not in exchange_info:
            print("Error: 'symbols' key is missing from exchange_info")
            return None

        for elem in exchange_info['symbols']:
            if elem['symbol'] == symbol:
                print(f"Symbol {symbol} found.")
                filters = elem.get('filters', [])
                print(f"Filters for {symbol}: {filters}")  # Debugging line
                # Check if filters are empty
                if not filters:
                    print(f"Warning: No filters found for symbol {symbol}")
                    return None

                for filter in filters:
                    if filter.get('filterType') == 'PRICE_FILTER':
                        tick_size = filter.get('tickSize', None)
                        if tick_size is None:
                            print(f"Warning: tickSize is None for {symbol}")
                            return None
                        tick_size = float(tick_size)
                        if tick_size == 0.0:
                            print(f"Warning: tickSize is zero for {symbol}")
                            return None
                        price_precision = len(str(tick_size).split('.')[1].rstrip('0'))
                        print(f"Price precision for {symbol}: {price_precision}")
                        return price_precision
        print(f"Symbol {symbol} not found in exchange info.")
        return None
    except BinanceAPIException as e:
        print(f"Binance API Exception: {e}")
    except BinanceRequestException as e:
        print(f"Binance Request Exception: {e}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")
    return None

def get_qty_precision(self, symbol):
        exchange_info = spot_client.get_exchange_info()
        print(f"Full exchange info: {exchange_info}")  # Debugging line to print entire exchange info

        # Ensure 'symbols' is present in the response
        if 'symbols' not in exchange_info:
            print("Error: 'symbols' key is missing from exchange_info")
            return None

        for elem in exchange_info['symbols']:
            if elem['symbol'] == symbol:
                print(f"Symbol {symbol} found.")
                filters = elem.get('filters', [])
                print(f"Filters for {symbol}: {filters}")  # Debugging line

                # Check if filters are empty
                if not filters:
                    print(f"Warning: No filters found for symbol {symbol}")
                    return None

                for filter in filters:
                    if filter.get('filterType') == 'LOT_SIZE':
                        step_size = filter.get('stepSize', None)
                        if step_size is None:
                            print(f"Warning: stepSize is None for {symbol}")
                            return None
                        step_size = float(step_size)
                        if step_size == 0.0:
                            print(f"Warning: stepSize is zero for {symbol}")
                            return None
                        qty_precision = len(str(step_size).split('.')[1].rstrip('0'))
                        print(f"Quantity precision for {symbol}: {qty_precision}")
                        return qty_precision
        print(f"Symbol {symbol} not found in exchange info.")
        return None
    except BinanceAPIException as e:
        print(f"Binance API Exception: {e}")
    except BinanceRequestException as e:
        print(f"Binance Request Exception: {e}")
    except Exception as e:
        print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")
    return None

def open_order(self, symbol, side, volume):
    price = float(self.client.get_symbol_ticker(symbol=symbol)['price'])
    qty_precision = self.get_qty_precision(symbol)
    price_precision = self.get_price_precision(symbol)
    if qty_precision is None or price_precision is None:
        print("Error: Precision maths aint happening.")
    qty = round(volume / price, qty_precision)
    if side == 'buy':
            resp1 = self.client.order_limit_buy(symbol=symbol, quantity=qty, price=str(price))
            print(symbol, side, "placing order now")
            sl_price = round(price - price * tp, price_precision)
            resp2 = self.client.order_oco_sell(symbol=symbol, quantity=qty, price=str(sl_price), stopPrice=str(price - price * sl), stopLimitPrice=str(price - price * sl), stopLimitTimeInForce='GTC')
        except BinanceAPIException as error:
                "Found error. status: {}, error code: {}, error message: {}".format(
                    error.status_code, error.code, error.message
    if side == 'sell':
            resp1 = self.client.order_limit_sell(symbol=symbol, quantity=qty, price=str(price))
            print(symbol, side, "placing order now")
            sl_price = round(price + price * tp, price_precision)
            resp2 = self.client.order_oco_buy(symbol=symbol, quantity=qty, price=str(sl_price), stopPrice=str(price + price * sl), stopLimitPrice=str(price + price * sl), stopLimitTimeInForce='GTC')
        except BinanceAPIException as error:
                "Found error. status: {}, error code: {}, error message: {}".format(
                    error.status_code, error.code, error.message

def check_positions(self):
        open_orders = self.client.get_open_orders(symbol=symbol)
        return open_orders
    except BinanceAPIException as error:
            "Found error. status: {}, error code: {}, error message: {}".format(
                error.status_code, error.code, error.message
    return []

def close_open_orders(self, symbol):
        response = self.client.cancel_open_orders(symbol=symbol)
    except BinanceAPIException as error:
            "Found error. status: {}, error code: {}, error message: {}".format(
                error.status_code, error.code, error.message
        )def close_position(self, symbol, side, qty):
        response = self.client.order_market(
            side='BUY' if side == 'SELL' else 'SELL',
    except BinanceAPIException as error:
            "Found error. status: {}, error code: {}, error message: {}".format(
                error.status_code, error.code, error.message

def get_open_position_qty(self, symbol):
        open_orders = self.client.get_open_orders(symbol=symbol)
        for order in open_orders:
            if float(order['origQty']) != 0:
                return abs(float(order['origQty']))
    except BinanceAPIException as error:
            "Found error. status: {}, error code: {}, error message: {}".format(
                error.status_code, error.code, error.message
    return 0

def check_signal(self, data, equity):
    strategy = RevisedHFTSwingSignalStrategy(data)
    result = strategy.execute_strategy(equity)
    last_row = result.iloc[-1]
    if last_row['long_signal'] and not result['long_signal'].shift(1).iloc[-1]:
        return 'up'
    elif last_row['short_signal'] and not result['short_signal'].shift(1).iloc[-1]:
        return 'down'
        return 'none'

class RevisedHFTSwingSignalStrategy:
def init(self, data, length=14, base_atr_multiplier=0.10, risk_percent=0.75, max_position_size=0.25, fast_length=9, slow_length=26): = data
self.length = length
self.base_atr_multiplier = base_atr_multiplier
self.risk_percent = risk_percent
self.max_position_size = max_position_size
self.fast_length = fast_length
self.slow_length = slow_length[‘fast_ma’] = ta.trend.sma_indicator([‘Close’], window=self.fast_length)[‘slow_ma’] = ta.trend.sma_indicator([‘Close’], window=self.slow_length)[‘atr’] = ta.volatility.average_true_range([‘High’],[‘Low’],[‘Close’], window=self.length)[‘avg_price_level’] = ta.trend.sma_indicator([‘Close’], window=30)[‘dynamic_atr_multiplier’] = self.base_atr_multiplier *[‘avg_price_level’] /[‘Close’][‘long_signal’] = np.where(([‘fast_ma’] >[‘slow_ma’]) & ([‘Close’] >[‘fast_ma’]), 1, 0)[‘short_signal’] = np.where(([‘fast_ma’] <[‘slow_ma’]) & ([‘Close’] <[‘fast_ma’]), 1, 0)

def execute_strategy(self, equity):['position_size'] = (self.risk_percent * equity) / (['atr'] *['dynamic_atr_multiplier'])['position_size'] = np.where(['position_size'] > self.max_position_size, self.max_position_size,['position_size'])

bot = TradingBot(api_key, api_secret)
symbol = ‘BTCUSDT’
timeframe = ‘1m’
order = False

while True:
positions = bot.check_positions()

    if len(positions) > 0:
        print(f'Pamela! You have {len(positions)} opened positions')
        # Profit or stop-loss logic
        for pos in positions:
            side = pos['side']
            qty = float(pos['origQty'])
            entry_price = float(pos['price'])
            current_price = float(bot.client.get_symbol_ticker(symbol=symbol)['price'])

            if (side == 'SELL' and current_price <= entry_price * (1 - tp)) or (side == 'BUY' and current_price >= entry_price * (1 + tp)):
                bot.close_position(symbol, side, qty)
                print('Profit hit. Closing position and waiting for just 5 minutes...')
            elif (side == 'SELL' and current_price >= entry_price * (1 + sl)) or (side == 'BUY' and current_price <= entry_price * (1 - sl)):
                bot.close_position(symbol, side, qty)
                print('Stop loss hit. Closing position and waiting for 5 minutes...')

    if len(positions) == 0 and order:
        print('No open positions. Waiting for 5 minutes...')
        order = False

    if not order:
        df = bot.klines(symbol, timeframe, 500)
        # Trading signals
        signal = bot.check_signal(df, balance)
        if signal == 'up':
            print('Pamela, Found Buy signal for', symbol)
            print('Pamela, Placing order for', symbol)
            bot.open_order(symbol, 'buy', volume)
            order = True
        elif signal == 'down':
            print('Pamela, Found Sell signal for', symbol)
            print('Pamela, Placing order for', symbol)
            bot.open_order(symbol, 'sell', volume)
            order = True
            print('Pamela, No trade signal for', symbol)
    print('Waiting 60 seconds...')
except Exception as e:
    print(f"An error occurred: {e}")