Help on saving attachment


I have been trying and search online yet couldnt solve this issue so please someone point out the issue or illuminate me for the below code noting that i tried simpler download code it worked but the idea is i provided hardcoded absolute path while in this code dynamic used os lib and then moved to pathlib i know they are kind of similar in some ways but just was trying since in logs said path doesn’t exist which was blowing my mind thinking

kindly advice

import win32com.client

import openpyxl

import datetime

import os

import re

import logging

from pathlib import Path

#Get the current date and time once

now =

# Generate the filename dynamically

current_month_year = now.strftime("%B_%Y")"current_month_year: {current_month_year}")

current_month_folder = now.strftime("%b_follow_up_Folder")"current_month_folder: {current_month_folder}")

base_path = Path(current_month_folder)"base_path: {base_path}")

if not base_path.exists():"Creating directory: {base_path}")

    base_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

filename = base_path / f"Follow_Up_{current_month_year}.xlsx""Filename: {filename}")


def sanitize_file(filename):

    return re.sub(r'[<>:"/\\|?*]', '-', filename)


def sanitize_sub(filename):

    return re.sub(r'[<>"/\\|?*]', '', filename)


def connect_to_outlook(folder_name):

    outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI")

    if folder_name == "inbox":

        inbox = outlook.Folders[my_address].Folders["Inbox"]


        inbox = outlook.Folders[my_address].Folders["Inbox"].Folders[folder_name]

    print(f"\nConnected to folder: {folder_name} in {my_address}\n")

    return inbox


def filter_emails_by_sender(inbox, sender_email):

    now =

    start_of_day = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month,

    filter_string = f"[SenderEmailAddress]='{sender_email}' AND [ReceivedTime] >= '{start_of_day.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M %p')}' AND [ReceivedTime] <= '{now.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M %p')}'"

    messages = inbox.Items

    filtered_messages = messages.Restrict(filter_string)

    filtered_messages.Sort("[ReceivedTime]", True)

    print(f"Filtered {len(filtered_messages)} emails from {sender_email}\n")

    return filtered_messages


def download_attachment(attachment, output_dir):


        if not output_dir.exists():

            output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

  "Created directory: {output_dir}")

        attachment_file_path = output_dir / sanitize_file(attachment.FileName)

        attachment.SaveAsFile(str(attachment_file_path))"Downloaded attachment: {attachment.FileName} to {attachment_file_path}")

    except Exception as e:

        logging.error(f"Error downloading attachment: {attachment.FileName} - {e}")


def extract_email_data(message):

    body = message.Body.strip()

    sent_on = message.SentOn.replace(tzinfo=None)

    subject = sanitize_sub(message.Subject.strip())

    found = "No"

    attachment_path = ""


        if message.Attachments.Count > 0:

            found = "Yes"

            sanitized_subject = sanitize_file(subject)

            attachment_dir = base_path / f"attach_{sanitized_subject}"

            if not attachment_dir.exists():

                attachment_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

      "Created directory: {attachment_dir}")

  "Attachment directory: {attachment_dir}")

            for attachment in message.Attachments:

                attachment_filename = sanitize_file(attachment.FileName)

                attachment_path = attachment_dir / attachment_filename

      "Attempting to save attachment: {attachment_filename} to {attachment_path}")


                    download_attachment(attachment, attachment_path)

          "Successfully saved attachment to: {attachment_path}")

                except Exception as e:

                    logging.error(f"Failed to save attachment: {attachment_filename} to {attachment_path}. Error: {e}")

    except Exception as e:

        logging.error(f"Error saving email attachment: {e}")

    return body, sent_on, subject, found, attachment_path


def create_or_append_to_excel(filename, data):


        # file_path = Path(filename)

        # workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename) if file_path.exists() else openpyxl.Workbook()

        workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename) if os.path.exists(filename) else openpyxl.Workbook()

    except Exception as e:

        print(f"Error loading workbook: {e}. Creating a new workbook."'\n')

        workbook = openpyxl.Workbook()

    today_str ="%d-%m-%Y")

    sheet_name = f"Work_{today_str}"

    if sheet_name not in workbook.sheetnames:

        if "Sheet" in workbook.sheetnames:

            del workbook["Sheet"]

        sheet = workbook.create_sheet(title=sheet_name)

        header_row = ["Subject", "Sent On", "Body","Found_Attachment" ,"Attachment_Path"]

        for col_num, header_text in enumerate(header_row, 1):

            sheet.cell(row=1, column=col_num).value = header_text

            sheet.cell(row=1, column=col_num).font = openpyxl.styles.Font(bold=True)


        sheet = workbook[sheet_name]

    for row_data in data:

        row_data = [str(item) if isinstance(item, Path) else item for item in row_data]


    for col in sheet.columns:

        max_length = max(len(str(cell.value)) for cell in col)

        sheet.column_dimensions[col[0].column_letter].width = max_length + 2

2024-11-18 22:36:18,338 - root - ERROR - Error downloading attachment: Screenshot 2024-11-18 114215.jpg - (-2147352567, ‘Exception occurred.’, (4096, ‘Microsoft Outlook’, ‘Cannot save the attachment. Path does not exist. Verify the path is correct.’, None, 0, -2147024893), None)

if someone could help

any ideas??


please format your code per this attachment. Regarding your query, can you zoom in on what you have tried and is not working instead of providing your entire app that may not be the source what is causing you distress.

i tried since i am using mobile also my issue is the left part after base_path

all i am trying to achieve is to downlod outlook mail attachment in the generated folder of which named after the subject mail yet folders created yet the attachment is not downloaded

can you support please on this issue ?

hope now it appears organized


Can you showcase the part of your script that is not working? The part where you attempt to save attachment but fails to do so.

Outlook is complaining that the path doesn’t exist, so write the path to the log just before calling SaveFileAs, then, when it fails, check for yourself that the given path is valid and that the parent folder exists.

I dont know cuz everything seems to be working i dont know if its the download function or not but the logs indicates path doesn’t exists but i don’t know how so started to assuming the issue starting from base_path but i cant catch it

checked but i am in the same loop main folder exists the workbook created and inside the main folder and the attachments folders with subject names created even in the workbook attachmnt_path column when i want to access that path windows cant find it even in side the folders folders named after the attachment name it self created but the attachment it self isnt saved within

Apologies for the burden but can someone try the code and see the process you will see every thing in place but only saving attachment is failing even after debugging which what makes unsettled cuz the path already exists.

appreciate your support

any update please ?

Can you include the entire exception? Please copy it in its entirety where it specifically references the line number that is causing the issue.

in the terminal no traceback

here is the full code if you dont mind give it a try and see you will find only a loop of searching for the path that reported doesnt exist but it does

mport win32com.client

import openpyxl

import datetime

import os

import re

import logging

from pathlib import Path

# Initialize logging with timestamps and function names

logging.basicConfig(filename="Outlook_mails_fetcher.log",level=logging.INFO,format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

def log_function_call(func):

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):"Calling function: {func.__name__}")

        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper"Enter Your Email:... ")

my_address = input('Enter Your Email: ').strip()"Email_entered: {my_address}")"Enter Folder/s Name:... ")

folder_names = input('Enter_Folder_Name/s(comma-separated(,)): ').strip().split(',')

if not folder_names:

    folder_names = "Inbox""Folder name entered: {folder_names}")"Enter sender Email:")

sender_emails = input('Enter_sender_Email/s(comma-separated(,)): ').strip().split(',')"Sender email entered: {sender_emails}")

#Get the current date and time once

now =

# Generate the filename dynamically

current_month_year = now.strftime("%B_%Y")"current_month_year: {current_month_year}")

current_month_folder = now.strftime("%b_follow_up_Folder")"current_month_folder: {current_month_folder}")

base_path = Path(current_month_folder)"base_path: {base_path}")

if not base_path.exists():"Creating directory: {base_path}")

    base_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

filename = base_path / f"Follow_Up_{current_month_year}.xlsx""Filename: {filename}")


def sanitize_file(filename):

    return re.sub(r'[<>:"/\\|?*]', '-', filename)


def sanitize_sub(filename):

    return re.sub(r'[<>"/\\|?*]', '', filename)


def connect_to_outlook(folder_name):

    outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI")

    if folder_name == "inbox":

        inbox = outlook.Folders[my_address].Folders["Inbox"]


        inbox = outlook.Folders[my_address].Folders["Inbox"].Folders[folder_name]

    print(f"\nConnected to folder: {folder_name} in {my_address}\n")

    return inbox


def filter_emails_by_sender(inbox, sender_email):

    now =

    start_of_day = datetime.datetime(now.year, now.month,

    filter_string = f"[SenderEmailAddress]='{sender_email}' AND [ReceivedTime] >= '{start_of_day.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M %p')}' AND [ReceivedTime] <= '{now.strftime('%m/%d/%Y %H:%M %p')}'"

    messages = inbox.Items

    filtered_messages = messages.Restrict(filter_string)

    filtered_messages.Sort("[ReceivedTime]", True)

    print(f"Filtered {len(filtered_messages)} emails from {sender_email}\n")

    return filtered_messages


def download_attachment(attachment, output_dir):


        if not output_dir.exists():

            output_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

  "Created directory: {output_dir}")

        attachment_file_path = output_dir / sanitize_file(attachment.FileName)

        attachment.SaveAsFile(str(attachment_file_path))"Downloaded attachment: {attachment.FileName} to {attachment_file_path}")

    except Exception as e:

        logging.error(f"Error downloading attachment: {attachment.FileName} - {e}")


def extract_email_data(message):

    body = message.Body.strip()

    sent_on = message.SentOn.replace(tzinfo=None)

    subject = sanitize_sub(message.Subject.strip())

    found = "No"

    attachment_path = ""


        if message.Attachments.Count > 0:

            found = "Yes"

            sanitized_subject = sanitize_file(subject)

            attachment_dir = base_path / f"attach_{sanitized_subject}"

            if not attachment_dir.exists():

                attachment_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

      "Created directory: {attachment_dir}")

  "Attachment directory: {attachment_dir}")

            for attachment in message.Attachments:

                attachment_filename = sanitize_file(attachment.FileName)

                attachment_path = attachment_dir / attachment_filename

      "Attempting to save attachment: {attachment_filename} to {attachment_path}")


                    download_attachment(attachment, attachment_path)

          "Successfully saved attachment to: {attachment_path}")

                except Exception as e:

                    logging.error(f"Failed to save attachment: {attachment_filename} to {attachment_path}. Error: {e}")

    except Exception as e:

        logging.error(f"Error saving email attachment: {e}")

    return body, sent_on, subject, found, attachment_path


def create_or_append_to_excel(filename, data):


        # file_path = Path(filename)

        # workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename) if file_path.exists() else openpyxl.Workbook()

        workbook = openpyxl.load_workbook(filename) if os.path.exists(filename) else openpyxl.Workbook()

    except Exception as e:

        print(f"Error loading workbook: {e}. Creating a new workbook."'\n')

        workbook = openpyxl.Workbook()

    today_str ="%d-%m-%Y")

    sheet_name = f"Work_{today_str}"

    if sheet_name not in workbook.sheetnames:

        if "Sheet" in workbook.sheetnames:

            del workbook["Sheet"]

        sheet = workbook.create_sheet(title=sheet_name)

        header_row = ["Subject", "Sent On", "Body","Found_Attachment" ,"Attachment_Path"]

        for col_num, header_text in enumerate(header_row, 1):

            sheet.cell(row=1, column=col_num).value = header_text

            sheet.cell(row=1, column=col_num).font = openpyxl.styles.Font(bold=True)


        sheet = workbook[sheet_name]

    for row_data in data:

        row_data = [str(item) if isinstance(item, Path) else item for item in row_data]


    for col in sheet.columns:

        max_length = max(len(str(cell.value)) for cell in col)

        sheet.column_dimensions[col[0].column_letter].width = max_length + 2


def main():

    data = []

    for folder_name in folder_names:

        inbox = connect_to_outlook(folder_name)

        for sender_email in sender_emails:

            filtered_messages = filter_emails_by_sender(inbox, sender_email)

            for message in filtered_messages:

                body, sent_on, subject, found, attachment_path = extract_email_data(message)

                data.append([subject, sent_on, body, found, attachment_path])

    create_or_append_to_excel(filename, data)

    print("\n\nProcess completed successfully!\n")

if __name__ == "__main__":


No, that is not what I was asking. I am referring to the traceback exception that is generated.
Only the traceback and not your script.

pardon me but There is no traceback i found

Seems like this was some type of error (it specifically states ‘Exception occurred’):

sorry am not following what you need exactly however yes upon calling downloading function into the path generated this is what i face but the error is for the path existence not with the attachment it self if that is what you mean

I think the issue is that you are not providing an actual path. Try something like this as an example:

base_path = Path('/Users/you_here/folder_1/file_name_here')

guys please note that am still learning and new to python this is my first project so i am even lost in this error i dont even know to to search anymore