Hello. This is my first Python app. This function works right through the first two if statements, but seems to return after that, and doesn’t do the other if statements. Thanks in advance!
""" Generate sentence type one """
def sentencetype1():
rand = random.randint(1,2)
if rand == 1:
text = "I want to "
if rand == 2:
text = "I "
verb_choices = random.sample(Verb, 12 + themevector1)
text = text + random.choice(verb_choices)
text + " the "
if random.randint(1,2) == 1:
adjective_choices = random.sample(Adjective, 12 + themevector1)
text + random.choice(adjective_choices)
noun_choices = random.sample(Noun, 12 + themevector1)
text + random.choice(noun_choices)
noun_choices = random.sample(Noun, 12 + themevector1)
text + random.choice(noun_choices)
return text