Help with function please

Hello. For some reason line 3 - text = " I" - is being skipped. Thanks in advance!

def plotsentence1():
    rand = random.randint(1,2)
    text = "I "
    x = random.randint(0,7)
    text = Plotverb[x]
    text = text + " the "
    if rand == 1:
        text = text + Setting[place - 1]
    if rand == 2:
        x = [themevector1, themevector2]
        theme = random.choice(x)
        adjective_choices = random.sample(Adjective, 12 + theme)
        text = text + random.choice(adjective_choices)
        text = text + " "
        text = text + Setting[place - 1]
    text = text + "."
    return text

Why do you think line three is being skipped? Is it because your result doesn’t start with "I "? If so, note that line five (text = Plotverb[x]) overwrites the value currently referred to by text. Once that line executes the result of line three is discarded.

I see. I totally missed that. Thanks!

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In addition, repeatedly appending more strings may be inefficient. Instead, collect the components in a list, then build the final string in one operation.

def plotsentence1():
    pieces = ["I"]
    rand = random.randint(1,2)
    x = random.randint(0,7)
    if rand == 1:
        pieces.append(Setting[place - 1])
    elif rand == 2:
        x = [themevector1, themevector2]
        theme = random.choice(x)
        adjective_choices = random.sample(Adjective, 12 + theme)
        pieces.extend([random.choice(adjective_choices), Setting[place - 1])

    text = ' '.join(pieces) + "."
    return text
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That doesn’t look the same as my code. Here’s mine:

""" Generate plot sentence one """
def plotsentence1():
    rand = random.randint(1,2)
    text = "I "
    x = random.randint(0,7)
    text = text + Plotverb[x]
    text = text + " the "
    if rand == 1:
        text = text + Setting[place - 1]
    if rand == 2:
        x = [themevector1, themevector2]
        theme = random.choice(x)
        adjective_choices = random.sample(Adjective, 12 + theme)
        text = text + random.choice(adjective_choices)
        text = text + " "
        text = text + Setting[place - 1]
    text = text + "."
    return text