Hey Guys, I am a begineer and I need some help. I got this attribute error. "AttributeError: 'Employee' object has no attribute 'getdetails' ". Can someone help me?

class Employee:
Company = “Microsoft”

def __init__(self, name, salary, age, subunit):
    self.name = name
    self.salary = salary
    self.age = age
    self.subunit = subunit
    print("Employee is created! ")

def getdetails():
print(f"The name of the employee is {self.name}“)
print(f"The Salary of the employee is {self.salary}”)
print(f"The age of the employee is {self.age}“)
print(f"The subunit of the employee is {self.subunit}”)

jack = Employee(“Jack”, 100, 35, “Vs Code”)


from dataclasses import dataclass, field
class Employee:
    name: str
    salary: int
    age: int
    subunit: str
    company: str = field(default="Microsoft")
    def getdetails(self):
        print(f"name, {self.name}")

jack = Employee("Jack", 100, 35, "Vs Code")

for further reducing repetition,
we could refactor the getdetails method

def getdetails(self):
      a = ['name', 'salary', 'age', 'subunit']
      print('\n'.join(f"The {i} of the employee is {j}" for i, j in zip(a, [getattr(self, i) for i in a])))

or even,

def getdetails(self):
      print('\n'.join(f"The {i} of the employee is {j}" for i, j in zip((a := ['name', 'salary', 'age', 'subunit']), [getattr(self, i) for i in a])))


getdetails = lambda self: print('\n'.join(f"The {i} of the employee is {j}" for i, j in zip((a := ['name', 'salary', 'age', 'subunit']), [getattr(self, i) for i in a])))
(jack := Employee("Jack", 100, 35, "Vs Code")).getdetails()
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Any function that is trying to access self.<thing> needs to be a method. To be a method, it needs to accept self as a parameter, and be defined inside the class. (Technically it doesn’t HAVE to be defined inside the class, but it’s easier to, especially since you’re just starting out.)

By the way, when posting code here, it’s usually best to use an explicit code block, to make sure your formatting doesn’t get messed up. Otherwise it’s sometimes tricky to figure out which parts are inside what.

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It’s really helpful.
Thank you!