How can I return an instance inheriting from a user type and a library type?

I can’t seem to figure out how to express this in the Python type system. Perhaps it’s fundamentally impossible? I’ve tried searching, but I can’t turn up any results that deal with my precise question.

Suppose I have some library code where I define a BaseType that is meant to be subclassed by users. Next, suppose I want to create an object that is both an instance of a user-defined type while also inheriting from a different library class. Is that possible to express?

Here’s a minimal example.

Library code:

class BaseType:
    base: str

class ExtensionType:
    ext: str

def add_extension[T: BaseType](user_type: type[T]):
    class CombinedType(user_type, ExtensionType):
    return CombinedType()

User code:

class UserType(BaseType):
    user: str

user_type = UserType()
user_type.base  # ok
user_type.user  # ok

library_extended = add_extension(UserType)
library_extended.base  # ok
library_extended.ext   # ok
library_extended.user  # error

This first approach doesn’t work. The value returned by add_extension is known to subclass BaseType but not UserType.

However, if the user creates the class manually, it works.

class ManuallyExtended(UserType, ExtensionType):

manually_extended = ManuallyExtended()
manually_extended.base  # ok
manually_extended.ext   # ok
manually_extended.user  # ok

That solution would normally be fine, but in my situation, users will define lots of types, and I don’t want them to have to write a bunch of redundant declarations.

It seems like there are two possible solutions. One would be a way to tell the type checker that the return value is a subclass of both T and ExtensionType. Stated differently, I want it to return an object that gives True for both isinstance(value, UserType) and isinstance(value, ExtensionType).

def add_extension[T: BaseType](user_type: type[T]) -> T + ExtensionType:  # Made up syntax

But I don’t know if it’s possible or how I would express that.

Alternatively, you could inherit from a generic type, i.e.

class CombinedType[T: BaseType](T, ExtensionType): ...

But that gives an error.

Is this possible?

This is commonly called “intersection types”. Here’s a few previous discussions/proposals:

The lack of intersection types also got mentioned in the recent 2024 Python Typing Survey.

@bschubert, thanks for the links.

I guess you’re saying what I want is currently impossible. But, are there perhaps other, related constructions that come close?

This is a bit of an XY problem, so maybe I should explain in more detail what my end-goal was. Suppose I have a library like this:

class Field:
    def __get__(self, block: RawBlock, block_type) -> bytes: ...

    def __get__(self, block: Block, block_type) -> int: ...

    def __get__(self, block: Block | RawBlock, block_type) -> int | bytes: ...

class Block:

class RawBlock:

And some user code like this:

class MyBlock(Block):
    field = Field()

my_block = MyBlock()
my_block.field  # int

I would like to let users create the following my_raw_block object without having to manually define the corresponding MyRawBlock class.

class MyRawBlock(MyBlock, RawBlock):

my_raw_block = MyRawBlock()
my_raw_block.field  # bytes

Basically, I want there to be a correspondence between two different classes while only defining one class.

Yeah, you can’t really do that at all yet. You could at best get a partial solution that erases the dynamic portion of the intersection and replaces it with Any:

from typing import Any, type_check_only

class BaseType:
    base: str

class ExtensionType:
    ext: str

class CombinedType(Any, BaseType, ExtensionType):

def add_extension[T: BaseType](user_type: type[T]) -> CombinedType:
    class CombinedType(user_type, ExtensionType):
    return CombinedType()

Although this is quite the ugly hack and I wouldn’t recommend doing it this way. Just manually extend the class. Even once we have type intersections, this is still kind of a bad idea outside of very simple cases, since there are corner cases where you end up with ambiguous types because intersections are traditionally unordered compared to proper subclasses.

@Daverball, did you see my follow up reply to @bschubert? That’s what I’m really hoping to achieve. Is there any way to implement that?

This is a bit roundabout, but it does work. Is there any way to improve it?

Library code:

class Parsed:

class Raw:

P = TypeVar("P", bound = Parsed | Raw)

class Block[P = Parsed]:

    def raw[R: Block[Raw]](self, return_type: type[R]) -> R: ...

class Field:
    def __get__(self, block: Block[Raw], block_type = None) -> bytes: ...

    def __get__(self, block: Block[Parsed], block_type = None) -> int: ...

    def __get__(self, block: Block[P], block_type = None) -> int | bytes: ...

User code:

class MyBlock[P = Parsed](Block[P]):
    field = Field()

parsed = MyBlock()
parsed.field  # int

raw = parsed.raw(MyBlock[Raw])
raw.field  # bytes

Yes, generics would be the only way to achieve this currently, you’d probably want to switch to a constrained TypeVar, rather than one with an upper bound of a Union, since the Union is not actually a valid choice, i.e. P: (Parsed, Raw) = Parsed.

But I would still consider this a hack and would not recommend it to be used in production code. I would probably just return something like:

class FieldAccess:
    def parsed(self) -> int: ...

    def raw(self) -> bytes: ...

from the Field descriptor[1] instead, so your user code looks like this:

class MyBlock(Block):
    field = Field()

block = MyBlock()
block.field.parsed  # int
block.field.raw  # bytes

Unless it is really important that Block has a flat structure, it does not seem worth the trouble.

  1. and probably reify it on the instance, so it only needs to be constructed once ↩︎

@Daverball, thanks for the thoughts. I haven’t used a constrained TypeVar before, so that’s a useful tip for me.

And yes, I agree much of this is hacky, and I don’t particularly like it. At this point, I’m just trying to see exactly what is possible and what isn’t.

I’ve thought about the FieldAccess pattern you describe, but I’ve been less than enthused about it. In my particular case, the parsed option is what you want 99+% of the time, and I don’t want to ergonomically tax that case for the 1% raw case.

I’ll have to think about this a bit more, to see if I can come up with something that’s close to my ideal API. I might end up accepting that the raw API is untyped. It’s not something that will be used often.