How to change variables using entry with a button in tkinter?

I have set up a series of entries that change the colors of a canvas object in tkinter. While the print yielded results, it did not change the colors of said object in the canvas, making me wonder what did I do wrong in calling the Chara1 and/or ChangeVar functions.

import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import ttk

root = tk.Tk()
frame = tk.Frame(root)

#Name = tk.Frame(Frame)
#Name.pack(side = Side)

TabTool = tk.Frame(root)
TabTool.pack(side = tk.TOP)
Bottom = tk.Frame(root)
Bottom.pack(side = tk.BOTTOM)
RightSide = tk.Frame(Bottom)
RightSide.pack(side = tk.RIGHT)

def Label(Frame, Name, Text):
    Name = tk.Label(Frame, text = Text)
    Name.pack(side = tk.LEFT)
def GL(Frame, Text, Grid):
    tk.Label(Frame, text=Text).grid(row=Grid)
def Button(Frame, Name, Text, Image, Command, Pack):
    Name = tk.Button(Frame, text = Text, image = Image, command = Command)
    Name.pack(side = Pack)

CanvasArea = ttk.Frame(Bottom)
CanvasArea.pack(side = tk.LEFT)

CW = 300
CH = 600
LXM = (CW / 2)
LYM = (CH / 2)

GL(RightSide, "Color 1:", 0)
Color1 = tk.Entry(RightSide)
Color1.grid(row=0, column=1)
GL(RightSide, "Color 2:", 1)
Color2 = tk.Entry(RightSide)
Color2.grid(row=1, column=1)
GL(RightSide, "Color 3:", 6)
Color3 = tk.Entry(RightSide)
Color3.grid(row=6, column=1)

ACI = tk.StringVar(RightSide, '1CI', 'red')
BCI = tk.StringVar(RightSide, '2CI', 'green')
CCI = tk.StringVar(RightSide, '3CI', 'black')

MainCanvas = tk.Canvas(CanvasArea, bg = 'white', height = CH, width = CW)
MainCanvas.pack(side = tk.LEFT)

class C1:
    LX = LXM
    LY = LYM
    SX = 1
    SY = 1
    HL = 0
    SL = 0

    NP = (((-1 * SX) + LX), ((0 * SY) + LY), ((1 * SX) + LX), ((0 * SY) + LY))
    A1 = (((10 * SX) + LX), ((0 * SY) + LY), ((10 * SX) + LX), ((0 * SY) + LY)), ((10 * SX) + LX), ((-10 * SY) + LY)
    A2 = (((-10 * SX) + LX), ((0 * SY) + LY), ((-10 * SX) + LX), ((0 * SY) + LY)), ((10 * SX) + LX), ((10 * SY) + LY)

def Chara1(AT, BT, CT,  MC1, MC2, MC3, LC, LT, LS)
    def Main(PI, MC, LO, LT, LS):
        MainCanvas.create_polygon(PI, fill = MC, outline = LO, width = LT, smooth = LS)

    Main(AT, MC1, LC, LT, LS)
    Main(BT, MC2, LC, LT, LS)
    Main(CT, MC3, LC, LT, LS)

Chara1(C1.A1, C1.A2, C1.NP, 1CI, 2CI, None, 3CI, 5, 0)

def ChangeVar():
    ACI = tk.StringVar(RightSide, 'ACI', Color1.get())
    BCI = tk.StringVar(RightSide, 'BCI', Color2.get())
    CCI = tk.StringVar(RightSide, 'CCI', Color3.get())

Button(Bottom , 'UC', 'UpdateColors', None, ChangeVar, tk.LEFT)

I tried using a lambda command (tk.Button(Bottom , text = 'UM', command=lambda *args: Chara1(C1.A1, C1.A2, C1.NP, ACI, BCI, None, CCI, 5, 0)).pack()) to ‘refresh’ the function call by reassigning them, but failed (no color change). What should I do?

Bonus Question: Is it possible to use the same method with the shape variables from the C1 class to change the shape in Chara1 (by changing input in the T (1T, 2T, 3T) arguments to different inputs)?

You cannot have a variable whose name starts with a digit, e.g. 1CI, so the code you posted won’t even run.

Updated the code. The point is that the variables are seemingly unchangeable in function arguments (I suggest you read my post again). Note that this is a simplification of a larger project. Please review again what’s wrong with my code.

I still can’t run it because of this:

Chara1(C1.A1, C1.A2, C1.NP, 1CI, 2CI, None, 3CI, 5, 0)

1CI, 2CI and 3CI are not valid variable names or literals.

Also, def Chara1(AT, BT, CT, MC1, MC2, MC3, LC, LT, LS) is missing the final :.

You’re creating 3 instances of tk.StringVar and binding them to global variables, but not doing anything with them (none of the widgets refer to them), and then in ChangeVar you’re creating new 3 instances of tk.StringVar and binding them to local variables, but not doing anything with them either (and they’ll be garbage collected when the function returns).

Your code is way too long for me to read. For a working example of entry changes being validated and triggering actions, you could load Lib/idlelib/ and look at, for instance, the class WinPage code.