How to deal with unsafe/broken os.spawn* arg handling behavior on Windows


  • The legacy os.spawn* functions don’t handle spaces or quotes in arguments on Windows, as they are just naively concatenated without quoting/escaping
  • This is unsafe, leads to many subtle bugs (in CPython’s own test suite, even) and inconsistent with the POSIX behavior
  • Presently, they are little-used, considered a security risk and most uses have some form of these bugs
  • At minimum, fix the tests and warn about this in the docs, as well as at least one of the following:
    • Deprecate these little-used, unsafe legacy functions in favor of subprocess (more work up front, but best long-term)
    • Fix the issue with the Windows arg handling (most straightforward, but a compat-breaking behavior change for users with existing workarounds)
    • Expose an existing manual workaround (subprocess.list2cmdline) that users can use in both 3.12 and earlier versions

The Problem

Right now, as @storchaka originally documented on python/cpython#75729 and as I confirmed just now, the legacy os.spawn* functions do not correctly handle spaces (or inner quotes) within arguments on Windows, and instead just naively concatenate the argument list, due to the underlying spawnv implementation. This results in arguments being split on spaces (unless quoted), and any quotes parsed as argument groupers instead of retained.

For example:

>>> import os, pathlib, sys
>>> script = pathlib.Path('')
>>> script.write_text('import sys; print(sys.argv)')
>>> os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, sys.executable, [sys.executable, script, 'test arg'])
['', 'test', 'arg']
>>> os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, sys.executable, [sys.executable, script, 'literal "quotes"'])
['', 'literal', 'quotes']
>>> script = pathlib.Path("test spawnv")
>>> script.write_text('print("Hello world!")')
>>> os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, sys.executable, [sys.executable, script])
python.exe: cant open file '.\\test': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

This is not only inconsistent with its behavior on POSIX platforms (which preserve the arguments as entered), but is quite unsafe and leads to a variety of bugs in various cases, including the unit tests for these functions in Python’s own test suite, which fail when there are any spaces in the working dir path (e.g. when the username contains a space).

The primary current workaround is to manually quote any arguments that contain spaces; however, neither the behavior nor the workaround is currently documented in the spawn* docs. Furthermore, the right quote handling algorithm, as used by [subprocess.list2cmdline](subprocess.list2cmdline (which is not documented, but used internally by subprocess to avoid this, is quite non-trivial and of the third-party users I surveyed, none actually got it right themselves.

Therefore, it seems something further should be done to address this; however, each possible approach has some caveats, which is why @storchaka suggested discussing this more broadly.

Survey of current usage

FWIW, there are 438 hits for os\.spawn[lv] on and 2 hits for from os import spawn[lv] (matching any of these functions), which is a very small number (there are 30 000 for os.system (:cry:), 13 000 for, 32 000 for subprocess.Popen and 23 000 for, and also less than most of the libraries removed by PEP 594. Checking each of the first 50:

  • 17 (34%) are from security tools/demos warning that using this function is unsafe
  • 16 (32%) are just vendored copies of Python/its stdlib
  • 3 (6%) are platform-specific code/libraries for non-Windows platforms
  • 6 (12%) are Scons and vendored copies of it, which uses naive quoting
  • 2 (4%) are vendored copies of Pydev, which uses a less naive but still not correct quoting
  • 3 (6%) are standalone scripts and packages that are formally retired or very old/unmaintained for 5-10+ years
  • 1 (2%) is part of a modern, well used library (opencv), in a utility submodule, and does not use quoting

As a sidenote, there were 443 hits for subprocess.list2cmdline and 55 hits for from subprocess import list2cmdline, more than all of the os.spawn* functions combined, especially when considering actual genuine unique uses by popular, maintained projects, despite it being not documented and not in __all__.

Key Takeways

  • These functions see little use in still-used public Python code, with perhaps ≈20-40 total unique instances across GitHub
  • Most genuine unique uses are unquoted, and none actually get the quoting correct
  • Over half of non-stdlib hits were actually in security tools/demos warning how it could be exploited

The Solutions

First off, we should at minimum do the following, which are non-controversial and can be backported to earlier versions:

  • Fix the existing tests so they work reliably with the current behavior (opened as PR python/cpython#99150)
  • Add a warning in the docs explaining the problem and the workaround

Then, we have three options for how to handle this in 3.12 and above:

  • Fix the issue with the Windows arg handling (at the cost of a compat-breaking behavior change)
  • Deprecate these little-used, unsafe legacy functions in favor of subprocess
  • Expose a workaround that users can manually use in both 3.12 and earlier versions

Option 1: Deprecate

We could just deprecate these legacy functions in favor of subprocess, and remove them in two or more releases from now. Theoretically, just the Windows versions could be dropped, but IMO it should be done for the functions as a whole if they are no longer useful, since they have other problems (security, etc) and it would make existing and future code using them non-portable, and is also potentially more challenging to communicate to users. Conversely, if they are still useful, it would be both less work on our and users’ end to just implement the above fix.

These functions are relatively little-used in user code, and are used only two other places in the stdlib, once in a test of os.waitpid and once in a test of tempfile; both already use and require subprocess, so could presumably be migrated to that.

  • + Removes little-used, insecure/unsafe, redundant legacy functionality that has several other issues in favor of the much safer, more powerful and easier to use subprocess module
  • + Users get deprecation warnings and a deprecation period instead of an immediate behavior change
  • + User code can immediately switch to subprocess alternatives, instead of having to potentially handle both the <3.12 and >=3.12 behavior
  • - Requires somewhat more change to existing user code
  • - More work to implement up front (in exchange for less long-term maintenance burden)
  • - The existing functions go away

Option 2: Fix

In Python 3.12, the undocumented subprocess.list2cmdline, which implements the correct quoting logic for subprocess, could be imported (inside a function, just like other stuff around it does), and then the Python wrappers for the relevant spawn* functions on Windows could be added/tweaked (some already have them, some don’t) to call it on each arg before passing them to the inner functions. The one issue with this option is that user code that already quotes args with spaces (generally incorrectly) would need to remove that logic for Python 3.12+

  • + Simplest to implement in CPython
  • + Retains the existing functionality
  • + Requires least (or no) change to existing user code
  • - Breaks, potentially non-obviously, existing user workarounds (without adding more complexity)
  • - No reliable way to first deprecate existing behavior (without adding more complexity)
  • - Legacy spawn* functions still have other problems vs. subprocess

Option 3: Work around

There is a third alternative—document subprocess.list2cmdline publicly and describe in the above docs, with a prominent warning about the problem how to use it to work around it, and don’t change os.spawn* at all. As a docs-only change, this could be backported to bugfix versions, as an easier to use and more correct workaround than trying to manually describe the algorithm (or undocumented functionality).

  • + Least amount of work for us up front
  • + Doesn’t break working (if unreliably) user code
  • + Could be backported to existing bugfix versions
  • - Requires that all users work manually read the docs and correctly work around the problem themselves
  • - Legacy, unsafe and redundant os.spawn* still have other issues
  • - We need to make list2cmdline public, which there were previous concerns about


Given the very low usage per the survey, the other problems with these functions, and their redundancy with subprocess that avoids all of the same, as well as consideration to the backward-compat policy and ensuring a smooth transition and reducing long-term techdebt and user errors, I would recommend the options in the order listed above.

If we deprecate these functions, users will have clear warning of any change at least several versions in advance, per our deprecation policy, and will be able to immediately move to a long-established and much improved alternative, rather than having to add condition code to cope with an immediate behavior change. This ends up being simpler for us and users longer-term, and we can help the very small number of active users migrate.

Alternatively, if it doesn’t make sense to remove these functions, the fix for Windows seems relatively straightforward to implement with the help of subprocess.list2cmdline, and we can help the small number of downstream uses this would adversely affect (those already naively quoting their args) either adapt to the change or (probably simpler) just migrate to subprocess…though, in that case, we may as well have just deprecated them for removal.


Thanks for the clear summary. I agree with your conclusions and I’m in favour of the options in the order you stated (ideally deprecate, if not then fix, or as a last resort workaround)

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Thank you for your investigation.

Note that os.exec* functions have exactly the same issue. And they cannot be replaced with subprocess. I am also not sure that all modes of os.spawn* can be emulated by subprocess.

exec style functions are genuinely Unix-specific, though. Windows does not have the concept of overwriting one running process with another. So I’d be fine with making the exec functions Unix-specific (deprecating their use on Windows).

Note that processes in Windows are created with a command line string that can have up to 32,766 characters. An application can get the command line via WinAPI GetCommandLineW() and process it however it wants. For example, if I recall correctly, Cygwin applications use POSIX shell rules.

Programs that use the C [w]main() entry point usually rely on the C runtime’s argv array. An application can also pass the command line to WinAPI CommandLineToArgvW(), which is similar to C argv, but not identical.

Neither parses the first argument the way subprocess.list2cmdline() expects. Instead, it’s assumed that argv[0] must be a valid filename and thus cannot contain literal double quotes, which is documented behavior. In practice there’s no issue because I’ve never seen anyone try to pass literal quotes in argv[0].

For reference here’s an example of how list2cmdline() can be dysfunctional:

>>> exe = sys.executable
>>> script = 'import sys; print(sys.orig_argv)'
>>>['spam "eggs"', '-c', script, 'spam "eggs"'], executable=exe)
['spam \\eggs\\', '-c', 'import sys; print(sys.orig_argv)', 'spam "eggs"']

Notice in the sys.orig_argv value that list2cmdline() escaped the literal quotes as '\\"' for the first and last arguments. However, it only works as expected in the latter case. For argv[0], on the other hand, the C command-line parsing always consumes a double quote to toggle quote mode, and backslashes are always literal. The behavior of WinAPI CommandLineToArgvW() is more simplistic, and arguably buggy, but I wouldn’t worry about it. list2cmdline() should only concern itself with C argv parsing.

The os.exec*() functions should be deprecated on Windows for a more fundamental reason. They do not behave like POSIX exec*() in terms of replacing the image of the current process. Windows has no implemented support for that (not even in the internal NT API). Use of os.exec*() in console scripts is thus a mess because the parent process (e.g. a CLI shell) will resume and try to access the console concurrently with the exec’d process.

Another problem with os.spawn*() is making file descriptors inheritable. The C runtime on Windows provides no way to make a file descriptor inheritable. An inheritable fd can be duplicated, however, such as via os.dup2(fd, os.dup(fd), True)[1]. The direct way via os.set_inheritable(fd, True) does not work on Windows, at least not if the caller is expecting POSIX-like fd inheritance with os.spawn*(). The implementation of os.set_inheritable() just makes the underlying OS handle inheritable, not the file descriptor. Thus a child process will inherit the handle, but it won’t be associated with a C file descriptor in the STARTUPINFO lpReserved2 (C runtime data).

  1. Just calling os.dup(fd) used to work here, but that’s been broken on Windows for a while now. It creates an inheritable fd with the underlying handle made non-inheritable. That’s benign in general. If the handle happens to exist in the child when the C runtime starts up, it usually won’t be a file handle, in which case the inherited fd is ignored as invalid. ↩︎


The case of " is that its not valid in a filename.
Should subprocess check that the filename does not contain chars that windows does not allow like * ? " < > |? and : is used only once?

I’m squarely in camp Option 1: Deprecate. That helps move us back to a more Zen of Python state.

Option 2 will just create migration makework by breaking someones ‘semi" working"’ code and letting people write code using the old os.spawn APIs that works on one Python 3.x version but not another.

Option 3 just tells people to make their code more complicated using a so far not-so-public API on top of a legacy API, in a way that might not entirely fix the problem in subtle ways (as Eryk appears to be suggesting) by making the pile of code engaging in quoting hell deeper. When they could just spend those mental engineering cycles on moving over to directly instead and be better off.


To make it technically correct, subprocess.list2cmdline() can simply raise ValueError if the first item in the argument list contains a double quote character. This is only about matching the argv parsing of the C runtime, which doesn’t support literal double quote characters in the first argument. More generally, a command line is not required to begin with a searchable filename. If CreateProcessW() is passed lpApplicationName, then lpCommandLine can be arbitrary. Thus we shouldn’t go out of our way to reserve the other wildcard characters (*?<>) or pipe (|).