How to display a picture from an array

In order to manipulate images later by swapping pixels (“photobooth transformation”), I started by writing a script to create an array of dimension n x n , from a “photo. png” of n x n pixels. But when I want to check if the table is really the same as the picture, it doesn’t work
Here is the script:

from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
#the image is 50x50 pixels in gray mode
im “c:\user…\ photo.png)
print(“size=”,im.size,” “,‘mode=’, im.mode,” ", “format=”,im.format)

Image → numpy array

T= np.array(im)

array formatting …there are 50 rows like this one

for i in range(0,50):

Then I copy the table in a text file and save it in the format “photo.pgm” :
49 49

18 17 16 12 11 10 11 13 … .
19 20 17 14 13 13 13 12 …

The script works well, but when I open the file “photo.pgm”, the pixels are mixed up and I can’t find the initial photo
thank you for your help

I found an explanation for my problem
In fact in the 50x50 array the indexes are counted between 0 and 49
while in the photo application (GIMP or Photoshop) pixels are counted between 1 and 50
I made the mistake to define the pgm file with the specifications
P2 49 49 255
instead of
P2 50 50 256
So the problem is solved