I have Python 3.12 on Windows 10.
I work with spreadsheets. I read each row one at a time, and grab one piece of data from that row, let’s say a job number, which could be in column A, B or C. Yes, the spreadsheet is a mess, I can’t change that. I have to work with what I’m given.
But the preferred order I look for the job number in the columns is B, A, C. I need to look for a job in column B. If that’s blank, go to column A. If that’s blank use column C. Currently this requires a bunch of lines to do.
Is there a quicker way to do this?
In perl it was something like (I can’t remember the exact syntax).
# Variable row contains all columns of data for one row.
cola = row[0];
colb = row[1];
colc = row[2];
job = colb | cola | colc;
In Python I’m currently doing:
if colb:
job = colb
elsif cola:
job = cola
elsif colc:
job = colc
Thank you!