How to get a type from a TypeDict property?

I’ve a TypedDict that I want to reuse its types from:

class MyType(TypedDict):
  x: int
  y: float

def myxfn(a:MyType.x)

def myyfn(a:MyType.y)

The TypedDict is much more complex. I want to do it this way, so that if I change the logic of MyType, I get typehints when developing, since names or types will mismatch.

Can you suggest a way to do this?

You can’t get the type from the TypedDict directly. What you can do is define a type alias used by both the typed dict and your function parameter.

XType: TypeAlias = int

class MyType(TypedDict):
    x: XType
    y: float

def myxfn(a: XType):

It’s more verbose than you probably want, but it preserves the property that one change to XType ensures that MyType and myxfn are both updated properly.


Yeah, I’ve been doing that, and it’s not ideal indeed. Yet, it’s not too bad. Thanks.