How to paginate printing of class variables

Python 3.12 on Windows 10.

I have a rather large class variable with at least 50 attributes. There are more but when I print the class to the screen I only want to print about 50 attributes.

The shortened class definition looks a bit like this.

class clsOptions: # Command line options
    def __init__(self):
        self.adminemail = 'xxx'
        self.debug = False 
        self.debugprint = False # True to show debug messages.
    def __repr__(self):
        procname = str(inspect.stack()[0][3]) + ":"
        s = f"{procname} This holds command line options.\n"
        s = s + f"adminemail={self.adminemail}\n"
        s = s + f"debug={self.debug}\n"
        s = s + f"debugprint={self.debugprint}\n"
        return s
    def __str__(self):
        r'''Used with print(options)'''
        s = f"This is __str__\n"
        return s        
options = clsOptions()

In the debugger I will sometimes issue the command p options to show the value of attributes.

How do I paginate the output so I see one screen of output at a time?


  1. In the class __repr__ method I suppose I could sent the string to a temporary text file then do something like os.system('more tempfile.txt') but that seems awkward. Is there a better way?

Thank you.

You could pipe the text directly to more without a temp file using


just curious, why not define your __init__ method from:

def __init__(self):
        self.adminemail = 'xxx'
        self.debug = False 
        self.debugprint = False # True to show debug messages.

to this:

def __init__(self, email = 'xxx', debug = False, debugprint = False ):
        self.adminemail = email
        self.debug = debug
        self.debugprint = debugprint 

for added flexibility for the special case when you would want to enter values at instantiation other than default values?

Can you sub-divide this super class into sub-classes for attributes that are similar and then use inheritance / composition for better maintainability? Fifty attributes seems a bit extreme.

Maybe related:

Because my sample for this post is a rather simplified example of what I actually have in the class. What I actually have are about 8-9 class properties which are initialized on class creation, and those initialized values do not vary as I only have one instance of the class in my program.

Can you sub-divide this super class into sub-classes for attributes that are similar and then use inheritance / composition for better maintainability?

I have not studied subclasses at this point.

You probably should before continuing to work with a class with 50+ attributes. But really, this isn’t about subclasses (which involves inheritance) but just about breaking one class into smaller independent classes, each of which carry some of the 50 attributes you currently have. For example, instead of defining

class Person:
    name: str
    street: str
    city: str
    zip: str
    state: str
    areacode: str
    number: str

you define

class Address:
    street: str
    city: str
    zip: str
    state: str

class PhoneNumber:
    areacode: str
    number: str

class Person:
    name: str
    add: Address
    phone: PhoneNumber

Aside from shielding Person from the details of an address or a phone number, imagine what each version of Person would look like if a Person had multiple addresses (home, work, etc) and phone numbers (home, work, mobile, etc).

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Honestly, using the more command is the easiest way to go. Linux, macOS, and Windows all have a more command (and named “more”) and more handles stuff like terminal window size and keyboard key presses, which is a lot of work if you’re going to reinvent the wheel.

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How would I use more at the pdb debugger prompt to page the output of p options? I tried a few things but none seemed to work.