How to pause debugging program in a loop?

I have Python 3.11.9 on Windows 10. I don’t use an IDE. I’m running my program in a cmd.exe window.

When debugging a program I use loops in my program, and also time.sleep(1) to pause after I print a message in a cmd.exe console. Something is causing problems where I cannot hit ^S to pause the debug messages printing on my console. I suspect the problem is with time.sleep().

So how can I pause my program output to look at it while using time.sleep() as well?

Gemini AI says not to use time.sleep() for the simplest fix. It also says to use x = input() to wait for input but I don’t want to pause after every iteration of the loop and enter a key. I only sometimes want to stop the program output in cmd.exe and see the error messages.

Thank you.

Ctrl-S/Ctrl-Q works for me in Windows 11 using the Microsoft Terminal application from the App store.

The AI suggestions do not make sense.

well, here is VS code


I’m looking into other methods to sleep, like this from Gemini AI which I haven’t tried yet. It accepts decimal seconds which I use a lot.

import time

def delay(seconds):
    start = time.perf_counter()
    while (time.perf_counter() - start) < seconds:
        pass  # Do nothing, just wait

print("Message 1")
delay(0.5)  # Wait for 0.5 seconds
print("Message 2")

Try pipeing the program output through the more command.
I assume Ctrl-S does not work for you because you are on Windows 10 or not using the Terminal app (recommended on windows).

I’m on Windows 10. I will try the Terminal app.

I’m just using cmd.exe. I use a desktop shortcut, here is my shortcut program: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k c:\MYUSER\addpath.bat addpath.bat just sets up a view environment variables and the path. I’m using a desktop shortcut because I want to put me in my Python project directory and set up some variables and the path.

Here are the options I have for the cmd.exe desktop shortcut.

And the Terminal tab.

Under “Default terminal application” there are no entries to choose.

Install the Terminal app from Microsoft and try Ctrl-S in it.
It’s free and developed in the open, code is on github.
The Terminal app is planned to replace the old cmd.exe console stuff.

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Thank you. I find the Terminal App here. Windows Terminal - Free download and install on Windows | Microsoft Store

I’ll install it and try it out.

Ok I downloaded the MS Terminal App, installed it and it opened a Powershell window by itself. Is Powershell and Terminal App the same thing? That’s confusing to have 2 different names.

If I have to use PS that’s fine, I’ll put the time into learning it. I just want to make sure I got the right thing.

You can configure terminal to open cmd.exe or powershell.exe as well as wsl prompts.

well, that doesn’t sound all that good, does it ?

That 1 star review is not true. Not sure why you posted it…

You can start a cli app from either cmd or powershell in terminal app.
Since I don’t use powershell I just tested to be absolutely sure.

I didn’t post any review on the Powershell/Terminal app. That was on the site when I found the web page.

well, since it isn’t an MS app I looked around (like I do in Amazon) and newest first gave me this :cowboy_hat_face:

Your screen shot clearly shows it is from Microsoft Corporation!

ok, Open Source-Project, in VS is also plenty of beta, but I doubt it can keep up with the PowerShell :smirk:

It’s a terminal app that uses an existing shell program.
Terminal app runs powershell, cmd or a wsl shell.
It is not a replacement for the shell programs.

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well, the await expression may fit (all in one interpreter, no shelling whatsoever) :rofl:

import time
import asyncio

async def main(loops, seconds):
    n = 0
    while n < loops:
        print(f'Message {n}')
        await delay(seconds)
        n += 1

async def delay(seconds):
    start = time.perf_counter()
    while (time.perf_counter() - start) < seconds:
        pass  # Do nothing, just wait, 0.5))

or if coroutines are not your cup of tee use a closure (also state preserving) :nerd_face:

import time

def main(loops, seconds):
    def delay(seconds):
        start = time.perf_counter()
        while (time.perf_counter() - start) < seconds:
            pass  # Do nothing, just wait
        return start
    n = 0
    while n < loops:
        print(f'Message {n}')
        n += 1
main(5, 0.5)