today i wanted to make a tkinter program and i made an entry about age the i only wanted the entry to get int numebrs for age but i did anything but it didnt work
i asked someone for help and she said that i need to use isdigit but she didnt say how to use it.
i just want to know how to use isdigit
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
from tkinter import messagebox
UserData = []
# Screen Customize
Screen = Tk()
Screen.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (600, 300, 200, 200))
Screen.resizable(False, False)
# String Variable
name = StringVar()
family = StringVar()
age = StringVar()
# Funtions
def Clean(value):
for item in value:
def register(user):
if int(user["age"]) > 18:
if UserInList(user):
messagebox.showerror("Error", "This User Was Registered")
return False
messagebox.showinfo("Done!", "Done!")
return True
return False
def RegisterClicked():
NAME = name.get()
FAMILY = family.get()
AGE = age.get()
if (NAME == "" or FAMILY == "" or AGE == ""):
messagebox.showwarning("Warning!", "please enter all of your instructions")
if Age.get()
us = {"name": NAME, "family": FAMILY, "age": AGE}
result = register(us)
if result:
list = [name, family, age]
def InsertData(value):
tbl.insert('', "end", value=[value[0].get(), value[1].get(), value[2].get()])
def Select(value):
Selection_row = tbl.selection()
if Selection_row != ():
def Search(value):
SecondList = []
for item in UserData:
if item["name"] == value or item["family"] == value or item["age"] == value:
return SecondList
def SearchClicked():
query = SearchBox.get()
result = Search(query)
def Clear():
for item in tbl.get_children():
sel = (str(item),)
def Load(value):
for item in value:
tbl.insert('', "end", value=[item["name"], item["family"], item["age"]])
def UserInList(value):
for item in UserData:
if value["name"] == item["name"] and value["family"] == item["family"] and value["age"] == item["age"]:
return True
return False
# Label
Label(Screen, text="Name:", font="normal 20 bold").place(x=0, y=0)
Label(Screen, text="FamilyName:", font="normal 20 bold").place(x=0, y=50)
Label(Screen, text="Age:", font="normal 20 bold").place(x=0, y=100)
# Entry
Name = Entry(Screen)
Name.configure(width=20, textvariable=name)
Name.place(x=90, y=10)
Family = Entry(Screen)
Family.configure(width=20, textvariable=family)
Family.place(x=180, y=60)
Age = Entry(Screen)
Age.configure(width=20, textvariable=age)
Age.place(x=70, y=110)
SearchBox = Entry(Screen)
SearchBox.place(x=200, y=200)
# Buttons
Register = Button(Screen, text="Register")
Register.configure(font="normal 10 bold", bg="lime", command=RegisterClicked)
Register.place(x=0, y=160)
SearchButton = Button(Screen, text="Search", bg="gray", font="normal 10 bold", command=SearchClicked)
SearchButton.place(x=140, y=200)
DeleteButton = Button(Screen, text="Delete")
DeleteButton.configure(bg="red", font="normal 10 bold")
DeleteButton.place(x=140, y=240)
# Tabel
tbl = ttk.Treeview(Screen, columns="c1, c2, c3", show="headings")
tbl.bind("<Button-1>", Select)
tbl.column("# 1", width=50)
tbl.heading("# 1", text="Name")
tbl.column("# 2", width=90)
tbl.heading("# 2", text="FamilyName")
tbl.column("# 3", width=50)
tbl.heading("# 3", text="Age")
tbl.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=BOTH)
this is all of my code and if you didnt want to read all i can give you this summery
the summery is that i just want to say that when i clicked register button check the age box and then if we had an string give me an error with messagebox
i have register function that i want to use it in it.
i hope you can help me with this