How to use the Python_weather function?

Hello! I am relatively new to coding. I am trying to pull live weather data using import python_weather, but i am not sure how to call the API through the code. Here is what I have so far. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

import python_weather
import asyncio
import os

async def get_weather(city_name):
    async with python_weather.Client(unit=python_weather.IMPERIAL) as client:
        weather = await client.get(city_name)
        return weather

def parse_command(command):
    if "weather" in command:
        weather_description ="Chicago"))
        query = "System information: " + str(weather_description)
        response = assist.ask_question_memory(query)
        done = assist.TTS(response)

async is not normally for beginners. Why are you using it? I see no reason here. Also, I don’t see where assist is defined.

(Please fix the formatting so that all code is between one pair of backtick lines.)