I installed this tarball on my zorin, I don't know how to uninstall

the tarball’s name: Python-3.12.6.tar.xz
I want to uninstall it because I failed to access the IDLE and I didn’t notice the release was stable.
I wonder how can I access the IDLE if it is similiar to windows version.
I wonder do I need to install python from the python vebsite for running anaconda or vs code or pycharm?

Zorin OS appears to be based on Ubuntu. Try the following:
(Warning: Do not uninstall the preinstalled version of Python.)

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Sorry I newer thought you didn’t know the Zorin OS. I have to tell you, there is a huge absence about explaining how to uninstall Python even in it’s website. I honestly think moderators should do something about this situation. Other than that you should learn Zorin OS because it is becoming more and more important with time since it is the best version of GNUlinux for beginners and GNUlinux lovers always recommend zorin OS to GNUlinux newbies.

Line Breaker30113, does the linked StackOverflow article answer your question?

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This isn’t related to Python; it’s simply how things work in Linux. Which method did you specifically try from the Stack Overflow thread I linked in my previous post?

Haven’t try yet I was busy outside of my computer.