I need to change the text color using the command Text in Guizero Library

Does someone knows how to change the text color using the command Text of the Guizero Library?

Here’s the documentation link: Colors - guizero

Here’s a reply from chatgpt (that I then had to fix): You can change the text color by setting the text_color property.

Here’s an example of how to use it:

from guizero import App, Text

# Create the app
app = App()

# Create a Text widget with a specific text color
text = Text(app, text="Hello, world!")
text.text_color = "red"

# Display the app

In this example, the text color is set to red using the text_color property. You can replace "red" with other colors like "blue", "green", or you can use hex color codes (e.g., "#FF5733").