I want python code for data analysis

You will find 4 separate csv datasets in the link above. Please download and use those
for the assignment.

  • Sales Data is at Product-Store-Day Level
  • Price is at Product-Month Level
  • Availability is at Product-Store-Day level
  • Target dataset is at Product-Month level, with target being a quantity
  • Revenue = Price * Sales Quantity
  • There could be missing values, duplicates and data type mismatches which you are
    expected to handle
  1. Combine sales, price, availability and monthly target datasets to get daily sales,
    price, availability and monthly target

We’re not going to do your homework for you. If you have a specific question about how to write python to do this assignment, you can ask that.

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yes man this is the question i am totally blank help me in this assignment question

Your teacher should have given you enough to get started.
As you seem too be very stuck suggest you start with your teacher.

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reading .csv files is relatively easy using the pandas library package.

Start by referencing these two tutorials:


Remember that in .csv files, you can reference a particular cell by its row and column (much like a multiplication table).

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