Inside a generic class - how to get the class of type variable?

I have a generic class inside which I need to use the type variable to check parameter types. Inside the validate() method I assign it to the ItemClass variable:

"""Test generic class and usage of the generic type inside."""

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import List, TypeVar, Sequence, Iterator, Callable

T = TypeVar("T")

class ListFromItem(List[T]):
    """Generic class for Pydantic lists which can be created from a single item."""
    def __get_validators__(cls) -> Iterator[Callable]:
        yield cls.validate

    def validate(cls, data):
        """Validate arguments for the constructor and call the constructor."""
        # How to get the class from the type variable T?
        ItemClass = cls.__orig_bases__[0].__args__[0]
        if isinstance(data, ItemClass):
            return cls((data,))
        if (
                isinstance(data, Sequence)
                and all(isinstance(item, ItemClass) for item in data)):
            return cls(data)
        raise TypeError(f'{ItemClass} or Sequence[{ItemClass}] required.')
Click to see an example (runnable code).

The code is runnable with the code above.

class ListOfIntegers(ListFromItem[int]):
    """Provide list of integers for Pydantic (instantiatable from a list or integer)."""

except TypeError as exception:
    print(f'Expected exception: {exception!r}')
    assert False, 'Failure: TypeError not thrown'


Expected exception: TypeError("<class 'int'> or Sequence[<class 'int'>] required.")

Is the following code the best way how to get the class from the type variable T?

ItemClass = cls.__orig_bases__[0].__args__[0]

To improve the readability of the code I would much prefer to use the identifier T to refer to T instead of the difficult-to-understand dunder properties.

In addition to that Pylint complains about the code:

$ pylint tmp/
************* Module generic_class
tmp/ E1101: Class 'ListFromItem' has no '__orig_bases__' member (no-member)

Is this just a problem inside Pylint or can I expect more problems to pop up?

Click to see my failed attempts.
ItemClass = T
  File "/home/vbrozik/dev/asa-csm-clean/tmp/", line 22, in validate
    if isinstance(data, ItemClass):
TypeError: isinstance() arg 2 must be a type, a tuple of types, or a union

ItemClass = Type[T]
  File "/home/vbrozik/dev/asa-csm-clean/tmp/", line 22, in validate
    if isinstance(data, ItemClass):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 994, in __instancecheck__
    return self.__subclasscheck__(type(obj))
  File "/usr/lib/python3.10/", line 997, in __subclasscheck__
    raise TypeError("Subscripted generics cannot be used with"
TypeError: Subscripted generics cannot be used with class and instance checks