Issue with `read_csv` due to Low Space on C Drive

Title: Issue with read_csv due to Low Space on C Drive


I am encountering a problem with the read_csv function in Python. My C drive has low space, and I am using an SSD. The CSV file is available on both C and D drives, but the function still doesn’t work. How can I resolve this issue?

Import pandas as pd

Reading the CSV file

df = pd.read_csv(r"C:\Users\Waliullah\Desktop\webscraping\gporders.csv")

Displaying the first few rows of the dataframe



The error has nothing to do with disk space.

What the error is saying is that the file is not written in unicode (utf-8).

Try reading the file using the Windows legacy cp1252 encoding.
Sorry, I do not know how to tell pandas which encoding to use.

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