Even though Python doesn’t need to be a high-speed language for those who use it for automation purposes, a significant reason why Python is used today is for computational science and data processing. In these fields, high-speed performance is extremely, extremely important.
While there are alternatives like Julia that offer high-speed performance, Julia has far fewer users compared to Python. This also means there are fewer libraries available for Julia. Converting all of Python’s numerous libraries to Julia would take more time and resources than making Python as fast as Julia.
I understand that some believe it’s very difficult to support AOT compilation for Python because it’s a dynamically typed language, or that supporting AOT would require mandatory type declarations, thus negating Python’s advantage of easy coding. However, Julia, which is also a dynamically typed language, supports both JIT and AOT compilation. (If you’re curious, read this article: Julia Documentation · The Julia Language)
Julia isn’t the only example. LuaJIT, an implementation of the Lua language, supports both JIT and, despite its name, AOT compilation. (Read Quick, JIT — Run! on https://staff.fnwi.uva.nl/h.vandermeer/docs/lua/luajit/luajit_intro.html.) Considering all this, it’s clear that AOT compilation support for Python is not technically impossible.
Even though Python has third-party implementations (like Numba), compatibility is usually guaranteed only for specific libraries. For instance, Numba primarily guarantees compatibility with Numpy, but not with other libraries. This is fundamentally because it’s a third-party implementation and libraries are not created to be compatible with it.
If Python, more precisely CPython, is made fast enough that third-party implementations are unnecessary, this issue could be resolved.
Python has already undergone a major revision from version 2 to 3. And those who used version 2 are now using version 3. People might need to transition to version 4 if that’s what it takes, and they would likely do so. Even those using Python for automation purposes wouldn’t prefer a slower version.