JetBrains licenses

For around ten years, JetBrains has been kind enough to offer us licenses to use their products. The licenses are valid for using their tools to develop only open source software.

We currently have eleven licenses, all issued to existing users among Python committers. Last year we had fifteen licenses, but three of them were unused and one user has not been active as a committer in the past year, so their license has not been renewed. The renewed licenses will be valid until 02 Sep 2024.

If other active committers are interested in using JetBrains products for CPython development, please let me know and I can apply for more licenses. This year I was asked by JetBrains to provide links to commits for all the licensed committers, and I believe licenses will only be issued to those who are deemed sufficiently active by JetBrains.


I am interested.

I would like a license if possible. I have not been active on CPython in the past year, but will be returning to activity in the coming months.


I’m interested in using CLion for cpython, if there are seats left.

As you are an existing user, your license should have been renewed recently. Get back to me if you run into problems.

I’ll ask JetBrains if they can generate a license for you both. I’ll wait a week in case others chip in on this thread.


Can I have a license too?

I’ve requested three additional licenses (for Raymond, Naoki, and Mariatta) and will let you know when I hear back from them.

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