Mathematically you’re spot on. That’s a perfectly rigourous, well defined argument.
But I wonder if the current restriction forces the writing of clearer code, and clearer expression of intent?
How many Python users in 2024, intuitively expect the intersection of n sets to be included in the symmetric difference of the same n sets, only when n is odd?
How many users would use set.symmetric_difference(*others) in the first place? I don’t know that the somewhat unintuitive behavior of this operation is that strong a case against it.
People who are using symmetric_difference should know what they want (and the documentation should be clear about what will happen), and that’s the best we can hope for.
I was pretty sure this has been discussed before, and I can’t remember the outcome of that discussion. edit I was thinking of a different discussion, about adding symmetric_difference to dictionaries, which is a much more confusing operation.
For whatever reason I definitely didn’t think ^ was associative and commutative…given that it is, it seems reasonable to allow multiple arguments in the methods. But there might be a reason I’m missing.
The symmetric difference of n sets doesn’t find the unique elements, it finds the elements that have an odd number of appearances. That could be 1 (unique), but it also could be 3, 5, 7, \ldots. Consider:
>>> {1} ^ {1} ^ {1}
This kind of demonstrates the point made above about n-ary symmetric differences being unintuitive and perhaps not all that useful. “Which elements have an odd number of appearances” is a pretty specialized set operation. Giving it an even more convenient syntax could increase the risk of users confusing it for a different set operation.
I dunno, it seems pretty unlikely that this change would confuse more people. I’m not sure why a person would arrive at the symmetric_difference documentation and make different conclusions based on whether it accepts one set or multiple. Either way, the documentation itself should be clear about what it is doing.