In an interactive Python console, display the entirety of The Zen of Python, then below that, display only its thirteenth aphorism on its own line. It’s fine for that line to have quote delimiters around it in the output.
So, which is the thirteenth aphorism? Well it’s the-- obvious --one.
As we know, the most obvious rule in code golf is to try to create the shortest possible source code that satisfies the posed challenge. However, if an aphorism need not abide strictly by its own advice, we needn’t either!
And so, another way to play here will be to simply achieve the prescribed output by having the most fun. So, there will be at least two winners-- one being the shortest solution --and the other being the one that was the most fun to create. But how will we know which one provided its author the most fun? --well, we might not know for sure, but we can each decide privately by ourselves which one is the winner in that regard. The time frame is open-ended, so there will be no need to declare ultimate winners. That might evolve as time goes on.
How to proceed:
Strive for and post a short solution, but you are each also highly encouraged to post one or more solutions that are not necessarily the shortest, but that you had fun creating. You are not required to blur or otherwise obscure your posted solutions.
Here’s my own solution in the console, at 69 characters (EDIT: 70 characters):
import this;''.join([this.d.get(c,c) for c in this.s.split('\n')[14]])
Evidently, some have not yet figured out from carefully and lightheartedly reading the entirety of The Zen that it incorporates, in part, Tim’s sense of humor.