My code was suppose to extract email body but somehow it doesn't work

# Import libraries
import imaplib
import openpyxl
import re

# Replace these with your details
email_address = ""
app_password = "rvft utpl lzhf cxak"  # Replace with generated app password
imap_server = ""
subject = "[SG] - Automation workflow Send Notification to CVS"
excel_file = "email_data.xlsx"  # Replace with your desired excel file name
sheet_name = "Sheet_1"  # Replace with your desired sheet name

# Connect to IMAP server
connection = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(imap_server)
connection.login(email_address, app_password)

# Select inbox"INBOX")

# Search for email with specific subject
search_criteria = f'(SUBJECT "{subject}")'
_, messages =, search_criteria)

# Extract information from email body
company_name = None
product_interested = None
    if messages:
        message_id = messages[0][0]
        _, message_data = connection.fetch(message_id, "(RFC822)")

        for part in message_data[0][1].split(b"\n"):
            if part.startswith(b"Content-Type:", 0, 13):
                content_type = part.split(b":")[1].strip()
            elif content_type == b"text/plain":
                body = part.split(b"\n\n", 1)[1].decode("utf-8")
                # Slightly refined Regex with optional colons
                company_name ="Company Name:?\s*(.*)", body, re.IGNORECASE)
                if company_name:
                    company_name =
                product_interested ="Product Interested:?\s*(.*)", body, re.IGNORECASE)
                if product_interested:
                    product_interested =

        # Check if information was extracted
        if not company_name or not product_interested:
            raise ValueError("Missing required information in email!")

        # Write information to Excel (confirm cell locations!)
        wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(excel_file)
        sheet = wb["Sheet_1"]
        sheet.cell(row=2, column=1).value = company_name  # Update row and column as needed
        sheet.cell(row=2, column=2).value = product_interested  # Update row and column as needed

        # Ensure changes are saved to Excel
        print(f"Information saved to '{excel_file}'")
        print(f"No email with subject '{subject}' found")
except Exception as e:
    print(f"Error: {e}")

# ... closing connection ...

Exactly how do you try using the code? What happens when you do that, and how is that different from what you want to happen? “It doesn’t work” doesn’t explain a problem, so we can’t realistically help with it.

I intend to execute the code using Spyder software. The program is designed to log into my company email, search for an email with a specific subject title, and extract three pieces of information: the company name, product of interest, and the date the email was sent. However, the current issue lies in the population of an Excel sheet, as upon inspection, I observed that nothing was written or pasted into it.

And you don’t see any error messages? Do you get any output at all?

What happens if you try using print calls to check what parts of the code are running, or what the value of the variables is at various points? For example, right after doing search_criteria = f'(SUBJECT "{subject}")', what do you see if you add print(search_criteria)? Does that look right? How about the resulting messages?

i make change to the code and there is a few error. the error are TypeError: can’t concat int to bytes & NameError: name ‘exit’ is not defined. I apologized in Advances as i’m new to python. here is the new code:

import imaplib
import openpyxl
import re
from email import parser
import sys

# Configure email details
email_address = ""
app_password = "rvft utpl lzhf cxak"  # Replace with generated app password
imap_server = ""
subject = "[SG] - Automation workflow Send Notification to CVS"

# Define Excel file and sheet
excel_file = "email_data.xlsx"  # Replace with your desired file name
sheet_name = "Sheet1"  # Replace with your desired sheet name

# Function to handle potential exceptions and exit with code
def handle_error(message):
    print(f"Error: {message}")

# Connect to IMAP server
    print("Connecting to IMAP server...")
    connection = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(imap_server)
    connection.login(email_address, app_password)
except Exception as e:
    handle_error(f"Connecting to IMAP server: {e}")

# Select inbox
    print("Selecting inbox...")"INBOX")
    print("Inbox selected!")
except Exception as e:
    handle_error(f"Selecting inbox: {e}")

# Search for email with specific subject
search_criteria = f'(SUBJECT "{subject}")'
print(f"Searching for emails with subject '{subject}'...")
    _, messages =, search_criteria)
    if messages:
        print(f"Found {len(messages)} email(s)!")
        print("No email with that subject found.")
except Exception as e:
    handle_error(f"Searching for emails: {e}")

# Extract information from the first email (modify if needed)
if messages:
    # Get message id
    message_id = messages[0][0]

    # Fetch message data
    print("Fetching message data...")
        _, message_data = connection.fetch(message_id, "(RFC822)")
    except Exception as e:
        handle_error(f"Fetching message data: {e}")
        # Check message ID type 
if not isinstance(message_id, int):
    message_id = int(message_id)

    # Separating message ID and command string
    _, message_data = connection.fetch(message_id, "(RFC822)", [message_id])
except Exception as e:
    handle_error(f"Fetching message data: {e}")

    # Parse email body
    message_object = parser.Parser().parsestr(message_data[0][1].decode("utf-8"))
    body = message_object.get_payload()

    # Improved information extraction with flexible regex and search loop
    company_name = None
    product_interested = None
    for line in body.splitlines():
        if line.lower().startswith("company name:"):
            company_name = line.lower().split("company name:")[1].strip()
        elif line.lower().startswith("product interested:"):
            product_interested = line.lower().split("product interested:")[1].strip()
        if company_name and product_interested:
            # Found both key information, break the loop

    # Check if information was extracted
    if not company_name or not product_interested:
        print("Missing required information in email!")

    # Write information to Excel dynamically
    print("Writing information to Excel...")
        wb = openpyxl.load_workbook(excel_file)
        sheet = wb[sheet_name]

        # Find first empty row for data insertion
        row_index = len(sheet["A"][1:]) + 2  # Start from second row after headers

        # Write extracted information to specific columns
        sheet.cell(row=row_index, column=1).value = company_name
        sheet.cell(row=row_index, column=2).value = product_interested
        print(f"Information saved to '{excel_file}'")
    except Exception as e:
        handle_error(f"Writing to Excel: {e}")

# Close connection
print("Closing connection...")

You have shared the errors you are still seeing.

Instead of catching exceptions and just printing the message and quitting like this, you should allow the program to “crash” and show a stack trace. That will let you see where the problem occurred, which helps with figuring out what went wrong.

try:/except: is, basically, for when you already understand why the exception might be thrown, and can think of something more useful to do than crash with a stack trace.

NameError: name ‘exit’ is not defined. happens in your error handler, because exit is not actually a builtin - it comes from the site module, and is only provided by default when you use the REPL, not when running source code files.

i did the changes and now there’s new error:

TypeError: can’t concat int to bytes

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

SystemExit: 1

But which line is raising that error?

Remove exception handling and let it print out the full traceback.

i have check and the first error come from this line

  # Fetch message data
            print("Fetching message data...")
            _, message_data = connection.fetch(message_id, "(RFC822)")

while the other one come from this line

 except Exception as e:
            handle_error(f"Processing email: {e}")

If you look in the docs you’ll find this in the example code:

typ, data =, 'ALL')
for num in data[0].split():
    typ, data = M.fetch(num, '(RFC822)')
    print('Message %s\n%s\n' % (num, data[0][1]))

data[0] (in your code that’s messages[0]) is a bytestring, so messages[0][0] is returning the first (well, zeroth) byte of the bytestring, which is an int.

Instead, you should be splitting the bytestring to get the message IDs as bytestrings.

For example, if messages[0] is b'12 13' (message IDs 12 and 13), you’re getting 49 (the character code of character '1') instead of b'12' and b'13' (the IDs for messages 12 and 13).

And then connection.fetch is complaining because it’s being given an int instead of a bytestring.


The example code was probably written for Python 2.x, where indexing into a bytes would give a one-element bytes instead of an integer.