My program is broken

i have a working blackjack program that hates me. it was working yesterday, but when i go to hand it in today, it breaks. the computer keeps drawing cards, even if they are wining, after the user busts once. this doesn’t happen if the user doesn’t bust before the computer wins. ill put the code here, but be warned its a mess of 800 lines.

heres a look at what it is doing:
Let’s continue. What is your bet?
8 of Hearts 4 of Diamonds
8 4
Hit, or stay?
The computer drew a Jack of Spades and a 2 of Hearts
The computer’s total is 12
The computer hits, drawing the 4 of Spades bringing their total to 16
The computer hits, drawing the Jack of Clubs bringing their total to 26
The computer busts! They ended on a total of 26
Press 1 to continue the game, or 2 to back out.

import random

wallet = 0
wallet_total = 0
comp_wallet_total = 0
comp_wallet = 0
bet = 5

suits = ["Hearts", "Diamonds", "Clubs", "Spades"]

card_num_one = 0
card_num_two = 0
card_num_three = 0
card_num_four = 0
card_num_five = 0
card_num_six = 0
card_num_seven = 0

card_suit_one = 0
card_suit_two = 0
card_suit_three = 0
card_suit_four = 0
card_suit_five = 0
card_suit_six = 0
card_suit_seven = 0

card_value_one = 0
card_value_two = 0
card_value_three = 0
card_value_four = 0
card_value_five = 0
card_value_six = 0
card_value_seven = 0

card_value_total = 0

card_one = ""
card_two = ""
card_three = ""
card_four = ""
card_five = ""
card_six = ""
card_seven = ""

cmp_card_num_one = 0
cmp_card_num_two = 0
cmp_card_num_three = 0
cmp_card_num_four = 0
cmp_card_num_five = 0
cmp_card_num_six = 0

cmp_card_suit_one = 0
cmp_card_suit_two = 0
cmp_card_suit_three = 0
cmp_card_suit_four = 0
cmp_card_suit_five = 0
cmp_card_suit_six = 0

cmp_card_value_one = 0
cmp_card_value_two = 0
cmp_card_value_three = 0
cmp_card_value_four = 0
cmp_card_value_five = 0
cmp_card_value_six = 0

cmp_card_value_total = 0

cmp_card_one = ""
cmp_card_two = ""
cmp_card_three = ""
cmp_card_four = ""
cmp_card_five = ""
cmp_card_six = ""

def wallet_cal():
  global wallet
  global wallet_total
  global comp_wallet
  global comp_wallet_total
  global bet
  wallet = wallet_total
  comp_wallet = comp_wallet_total
  if comp_wallet == 0:
  elif wallet == 0:
  elif wallet > 0 and comp_wallet > 0:
      print("You have $" + str(wallet) + " in your wallet.")

def start():
    global wallet, comp_wallet, wallet_total, comp_wallet_total
    wallet = 50
    comp_wallet = 50
    wallet_total = 50
    comp_wallet_total = 50

def rule_book():
    global wallet, wallet_total, comp_wallet, comp_wallet_total
    wallet = wallet_total
    comp_wallet = comp_wallet_total
    print("Objective: be the first player to get to 100 gold")
    print("Setup: Each player will start with 50 coins. at the start of every round, you   automatically bet 5 coins.")
    print("You can raise that bet before cards are given.")
    print("\n\nYou will be given two cards at the start of the round. The card will go from one to ten. Face cards will equal 10. Aces will equal 1.")
    print("The goal of each round is to get closer to 21 than your opponent, without going over.")
    print("To get another card, hit 'H'. To keep your current cards, hit 'S'.")

def blkjack_comp():
    global wallet, bet, wallet_total, comp_wallet, comp_wallet_total
    wallet = wallet_total
    comp_wallet = comp_wallet_total
    print("What would you like to be called?")
    user_name = input()
    print("\nWelcome", user_name)
    print("Let's begin. What is your starting bet?")
    bet = int(input())
    if bet > wallet:
def blkjack_next_round():
    global wallet, bet, wallet_total, comp_wallet, comp_wallet_total
    wallet = wallet_total
    comp_wallet = comp_wallet_total
    if comp_wallet == 0:
    elif wallet == 0:

        print("Let's continue. What is your bet?")
        bet = int(input())
        if bet > wallet:

def over_bet():
    global wallet, bet
    print("You do not have enough coins for that bet. You have", wallet, "coins left")
    print("What is your starting bet?")
    bet = int(input())
    if bet > wallet:

def blkjack_comp_deal():
    global card_num_one, card_num_two, card_suit_one, card_suit_two
    card_suit_one = random.randint(1, 4)  # For suit
    card_num_one = random.randint(1, 13)  # For number

    card_suit_two = random.randint(1, 4)  # For suit
    card_num_two = random.randint(1, 13)  # For number

    if card_suit_one == card_suit_two and card_num_one == card_num_two:

def card_maker_deal():
    global card_num_one, card_num_two, card_one, card_two, card_suit_one, card_suit_two

    card_one = get_card_name(card_suit_one, card_num_one)
    card_two = get_card_name(card_suit_two, card_num_two)

    print(card_one, card_two)

def get_card_name(suit_index, number):
    # Function to convert suit index and number to card name
    suit = suits[suit_index - 1]

    if number == 1:
        card_name = "Ace of " + suit
    elif 2 <= number <= 10:
        card_name = str(number) + " of " + suit
    elif number == 11:
        card_name = "Jack of " + suit
    elif number == 12:
        card_name = "Queen of " + suit
    elif number == 13:
        card_name = "King of " + suit
        card_name = "Invalid Card"

    return card_name

def hit_or_stay_one():
    global card_one, card_two, card_num_one, card_num_two, card_value_one, card_value_two

    if 2 <= card_num_one <= 9:
        card_value_one = card_num_one
    elif card_num_one in (10, 11, 12, 13):
        card_value_one = 10
    elif card_num_one == 1:
        card_value_one = 1

    if 2 <= card_num_two <= 9:
        card_value_two = card_num_two
    elif card_num_two in (10, 11, 12, 13):
        card_value_two = 10
    elif card_num_two == 1:
        card_value_two = 1

    card_value_total = (card_value_one + card_value_two)

    print(card_value_one, card_value_two)
    print("Hit, or stay?")

    card_choice_one = str(input())
    if card_choice_one == "h":
    elif card_choice_one == "s":
    elif card_choice_one not in ("h", "s"):
        print("Press 's' to stay, or 'h' to hit")

def hit_one():
    global card_suit_three, card_num_three, card_three, card_value_one, card_value_two, card_value_three, card_value_total, card_num_one, card_suit_one, card_num_two, card_suit_two
    card_suit_three = random.randint(1, 4)  # For suit
    card_num_three = random.randint(1, 13)  # For number

    if card_suit_three == card_suit_two and card_num_three == card_num_two:
    if card_suit_one == card_suit_three and card_num_one == card_num_three:

        card_three = get_card_name(card_suit_three, card_num_three)

        if 2 <= card_num_three <= 9:
            card_value_three = card_num_three
        elif card_num_three in (10, 11, 12, 13):
            card_value_three = 10
        elif card_num_three == 1:
            card_value_three = 1

        card_value_total = (card_value_one + card_value_two + card_value_three)

        print("You drew a", card_three, "bringing your total to", card_value_total)
        if card_value_total > 21:
            print("Hit, or stay?")
            card_choice_two = str(input())
            if card_choice_two == "h":
            elif card_choice_two == "s":
            elif card_choice_two not in ("h", "s"):
                print("Press 's' to stay, or 'h' to hit")
def hit_one_error():
    card_choice_two = str(input())
    if card_choice_two == "h":
    elif card_choice_two == "s":
    elif card_choice_two not in ("h", "s"):
        print("Press 's' to stay, or 'h' to hit")
def hit_two():
    global card_value_four, card_suit_four, card_num_four, card_four, card_suit_three, card_num_three, card_three, card_value_one, card_value_two, card_value_three, card_value_total, card_num_one, card_suit_one, card_num_two, card_suit_two
    card_suit_four = random.randint(1, 4)  # For suit
    card_num_four = random.randint(1, 13)  # For number

    if card_suit_four == card_suit_two and card_num_four == card_num_two:
    elif card_suit_one == card_suit_four and card_num_one == card_num_four:
    elif card_suit_three == card_suit_four and card_num_three == card_num_four:

        card_four = get_card_name(card_suit_four, card_num_four)

        if 2 <= card_num_four <= 9:
            card_value_four = card_num_four
        elif card_num_four in (10, 11, 12, 13):
            card_value_four = 10
        elif card_num_four == 1:
            card_value_four = 1

        card_value_total = (card_value_one + card_value_two + card_value_three + card_value_four)

        print("You drew a", card_four, "bringing your total to", card_value_total)
        if card_value_total > 21:
            print("Hit, or stay?")
            card_choice_three = str(input())
            if card_choice_three == "h":
            elif card_choice_three == "s":

            elif card_choice_three not in ("h", "s"):
                print("Press 's' to stay, or 'h' to hit")

def hit_two_error():
    card_choice_three = str(input())
    if card_choice_three == "h":
    elif card_choice_three == "s":
    elif card_choice_three not in ("h", "s"):
        print("Press 's' to stay, or 'h' to hit")
def hit_three():
    global card_value_four, card_suit_five, card_num_five, card_five, card_value_five, card_suit_four, card_num_four, card_four, card_suit_three, card_num_three, card_three, card_value_one, card_value_two, card_value_three, card_value_total, card_num_one, card_suit_one, card_num_two, card_suit_two
    card_suit_five = random.randint(1, 4)  # For suit
    card_num_five = random.randint(1, 13)  # For number

    if card_suit_five == card_suit_two and card_num_five == card_num_two:
    elif card_suit_one == card_suit_five and card_num_one == card_num_five:
    elif card_suit_three == card_suit_five and card_num_three == card_num_five:
    elif card_suit_four == card_suit_five and card_num_four == card_num_five:
        card_five = get_card_name(card_suit_five, card_num_five)

    if 2 <= card_num_five <= 9:
        card_value_five = card_num_five
    elif card_num_five in (10, 11, 12, 13):
        card_value_five = 10
    elif card_num_five == 1:
        card_value_five = 1

    card_value_total = (card_value_one + card_value_two + card_value_three + card_value_four + card_value_five)

    print("You drew a", card_five, "bringing your total to", card_value_total)
    if card_value_total > 21:
        print("Hit, or stay?")
        card_choice_four = str(input())
        if card_choice_four == "h":
        elif card_choice_four == "s":
        elif card_choice_four not in ("h", "s"):
            print("Press 's' to stay, or 'h' to hit")
def hit_four_error():
    card_choice_four = str(input())
    if card_choice_four == "h":
    elif card_choice_four == "s":
    elif card_choice_four not in ("h", "s"):
        print("Press 's' to stay, or 'h' to hit")
def hit_four():
    global card_six, card_value_four, card_suit_six, card_value_six, card_num_six, card_suit_five, card_num_five, card_five, card_value_five, card_suit_four, card_num_four, card_four, card_suit_three, card_num_three, card_three, card_value_one, card_value_two, card_value_three, card_value_total, card_num_one, card_suit_one, card_num_two, card_suit_two
    card_suit_six = random.randint(1, 4)  # For suit
    card_num_six = random.randint(1, 13)  # For number

    if card_suit_six == card_suit_two and card_num_six == card_num_two:
    elif card_suit_one == card_suit_six and card_num_one == card_num_six:
    elif card_suit_three == card_suit_six and card_num_three == card_num_six:
    elif card_suit_four == card_suit_six and card_num_four == card_num_six:
    elif card_suit_five == card_suit_six and card_num_five == card_num_six:
        card_six = get_card_name(card_suit_six, card_num_six)

    if 2 <= card_num_six <= 9:
        card_value_six = card_num_six
    elif card_num_six in (10, 11, 12, 13):
        card_value_six = 10
    elif card_num_six == 1:
        card_value_six = 1

    card_value_total = (card_value_one + card_value_two + card_value_three + card_value_four + card_value_five + card_value_six)

    print("You drew a", card_six, "bringing your total to", card_value_total)
    if card_value_total > 21:

def stay():
        global card_value_on, card_value_two, card_value_three, card_value_four, card_value_five, card_value_six, card_one, card_two, card_three, card_four, card_five, card_six, cmp_card_num_one, cmp_card_num_two, cmp_card_num_three, cmp_card_num_four, cmp_card_num_five, cmp_card_num_six, cmp_card_suit_one, cmp_card_suit_two, cmp_card_suit_three, cmp_card_suit_four, cmp_card_suit_five, cmp_card_suit_six, cmp_card_value_one, cmp_card_value_two, cmp_card_value_three, cmp_card_value_four, cmp_card_value_five, cmp_card_value_six, cmp_card_value_total, cmp_card_one, cmp_card_two, cmp_card_three, cmp_card_four, cmp_card_five, cmp_card_six, card_value_total
        cmp_card_one_num = random.randint(1, 13)
        cmp_card_one_suit = random.randint(1, 4)
        cmp_card_two_num = random.randint(1, 13)
        cmp_card_two_suit = random.randint(1, 4)
        cmp_card_three_num = random.randint(1, 13)
        cmp_card_three_suit = random.randint(1, 4)
        cmp_card_four_num = random.randint(1, 13)
        cmp_card_four_suit = random.randint(1, 4)
        cmp_card_five_num = random.randint(1, 13)
        cmp_card_five_suit = random.randint(1, 4)
        cmp_card_six_num = random.randint(1, 13)
        cmp_card_six_suit = random.randint(1, 4)

        duplicate_cards = set()
        while len(duplicate_cards) < 13:
            cmp_card_one_num = random.randint(1, 13)
            cmp_card_one_suit = random.randint(1, 4)
            cmp_card_two_num = random.randint(1, 13)
            cmp_card_two_suit = random.randint(1, 4)
            cmp_card_three_num = random.randint(1, 13)
            cmp_card_three_suit = random.randint(1, 4)
            cmp_card_four_num = random.randint(1, 13)
            cmp_card_four_suit = random.randint(1, 4)
            cmp_card_five_num = random.randint(1, 13)
            cmp_card_five_suit = random.randint(1, 4)
            cmp_card_six_num = random.randint(1, 13)
            cmp_card_six_suit = random.randint(1, 4)

            duplicate_cards = {
                (cmp_card_one_num, cmp_card_one_suit),
                (cmp_card_two_num, cmp_card_two_suit),
                (cmp_card_three_num, cmp_card_three_suit),
                (cmp_card_four_num, cmp_card_four_suit),
                (cmp_card_five_num, cmp_card_five_suit),
                (cmp_card_six_num, cmp_card_six_suit),
                (card_num_one, card_suit_one),
                (card_num_two, card_suit_two),
                (card_num_three, card_suit_three),
                (card_num_four, card_suit_four),
                (card_num_five, card_suit_five),
                (card_num_six, card_suit_six),
                (card_num_seven, card_suit_seven)

            cmp_card_one = get_card_name(cmp_card_one_suit, cmp_card_one_num)
            cmp_card_two = get_card_name(cmp_card_two_suit, cmp_card_two_num)
            cmp_card_three = get_card_name(cmp_card_three_suit, cmp_card_three_num)
            cmp_card_four = get_card_name(cmp_card_four_suit, cmp_card_four_num)
            cmp_card_five = get_card_name(cmp_card_five_suit, cmp_card_five_num)
            cmp_card_six = get_card_name(cmp_card_six_suit, cmp_card_six_num)

            # Calculate card values for each variable
            # Process card_num_one
            # Process cmp_card_one
            if 2 <= cmp_card_one_num <= 9:
                cmp_card_value_one = cmp_card_one_num
            elif cmp_card_one_num in (10, 11, 12, 13):
                cmp_card_value_one = 10
            elif cmp_card_one_num == 1:
                cmp_card_value_one = 1

            # Process cmp_card_two
            if 2 <= cmp_card_two_num <= 9:
                cmp_card_value_two = cmp_card_two_num
            elif cmp_card_two_num in (10, 11, 12, 13):
                cmp_card_value_two = 10
            elif cmp_card_two_num == 1:
                cmp_card_value_two = 1

            # Process cmp_card_three
            if 2 <= cmp_card_three_num <= 9:
                cmp_card_value_three = cmp_card_three_num
            elif cmp_card_three_num in (10, 11, 12, 13):
                cmp_card_value_three = 10
            elif cmp_card_three_num == 1:
                cmp_card_value_three = 1

            # Process cmp_card_four
            if 2 <= cmp_card_four_num <= 9:
                cmp_card_value_four = cmp_card_four_num
            elif cmp_card_four_num in (10, 11, 12, 13):
                cmp_card_value_four = 10
            elif cmp_card_four_num == 1:
                cmp_card_value_four = 1

            # Process cmp_card_five
            if 2 <= cmp_card_five_num <= 9:
                cmp_card_value_five = cmp_card_five_num
            elif cmp_card_five_num in (10, 11, 12, 13):
                cmp_card_value_five = 10
            elif cmp_card_five_num == 1:
                cmp_card_value_five = 1

            # Process cmp_card_six
            if 2 <= cmp_card_six_num <= 9:
                cmp_card_value_six = cmp_card_six_num
            elif cmp_card_six_num in (10, 11, 12, 13):
                cmp_card_value_six = 10
            elif cmp_card_six_num == 1:
                cmp_card_value_six = 1

            if 2 <= card_num_one <= 9:
                card_value_one = card_num_one
            elif card_num_one in (10, 11, 12, 13):
                card_value_one = 10
            elif card_num_one == 1:
                card_value_one = 1

            # Process card_num_two
            if 2 <= card_num_two <= 9:
                card_value_two = card_num_two
            elif card_num_two in (10, 11, 12, 13):
                card_value_two = 10
            elif card_num_two == 1:
                card_value_two = 1

            # Process card_num_three
            if 2 <= card_num_three <= 9:
                card_value_three = card_num_three
            elif card_num_three in (10, 11, 12, 13):
                card_value_three = 10
            elif card_num_three == 1:
                card_value_three = 1

            # Process card_num_four
            if 2 <= card_num_four <= 9:
                card_value_four = card_num_four
            elif card_num_four in (10, 11, 12, 13):
                card_value_four = 10
            elif card_num_four == 1:
                card_value_four = 1

            # Process card_num_five
            if 2 <= card_num_five <= 9:
                card_value_five = card_num_five
            elif card_num_five in (10, 11, 12, 13):
                card_value_five = 10
            elif card_num_five == 1:
                card_value_five = 1

            # Process card_num_six
            if 2 <= card_num_six <= 9:
                card_value_six = card_num_six
            elif card_num_six in (10, 11, 12, 13):
                card_value_six = 10
            elif card_num_six == 1:
                card_value_six = 1

            card_value_total = (card_value_one + card_value_two + card_value_three + card_value_four + card_value_five + card_value_six)

            #print(card_value_one, card_value_two, card_value_three, card_value_four, card_value_five, card_value_six)

            cmp_card_value_total = (cmp_card_value_one + cmp_card_value_two)
            print("The computer drew a", cmp_card_one, "and a", cmp_card_two)
            print("The computer's total is", cmp_card_value_total)

            if card_value_total >= cmp_card_value_total and cmp_card_value_total < 21:
                cmp_card_value_total = (cmp_card_value_one + cmp_card_value_two + cmp_card_value_three)
                print("The computer hits, drawing the", cmp_card_three, "bringing their total to", cmp_card_value_total)

                if card_value_total >= cmp_card_value_total and cmp_card_value_total < 21:
                    cmp_card_value_total = (cmp_card_value_one + cmp_card_value_two + cmp_card_value_three + cmp_card_value_four)
                    print("The computer hits, drawing the", cmp_card_four, "bringing their total to", cmp_card_value_total)

                    if card_value_total >= cmp_card_value_total and cmp_card_value_total < 21:
                        cmp_card_value_total = (cmp_card_value_one + cmp_card_value_two + cmp_card_value_three + cmp_card_value_four + cmp_card_value_five)
                        print("The computer hits, drawing the", cmp_card_five, "bringing their total to", cmp_card_value_total)

                        if card_value_total >= cmp_card_value_total and cmp_card_value_total < 21:
                            cmp_card_value_total = (cmp_card_value_one + cmp_card_value_two + cmp_card_value_three + cmp_card_value_four + cmp_card_value_five + cmp_card_value_six)
                            print("The computer hits, drawing the", cmp_card_six, "bringing their total to", cmp_card_value_total)

                            if card_value_total < cmp_card_value_total and cmp_card_value_total <= 21:
                                 print("The computer wins! They ended on a score of", cmp_card_value_total, "while you ended on a score of", card_value_total)

                            elif cmp_card_value_total > 21:
                                print("The computer busts! They ended on a total of", cmp_card_value_total)

                            elif cmp_card_value_total < card_value_total:
                                print("the computer loses! They ended on a score of", cmp_card_value_total, "while you ended on a score of", card_value_total)

                        elif card_value_total < cmp_card_value_total and cmp_card_value_total <= 21:
                            print("The computer wins! They ended on a score of", cmp_card_value_total, "while you ended on a score of", card_value_total)

                        elif cmp_card_value_total > 21:
                            print("The computer busts! They ended on a total of", cmp_card_value_total)

                    elif card_value_total < cmp_card_value_total and cmp_card_value_total <= 21:
                        print("The computer wins! They ended on a score of", cmp_card_value_total, "while you ended on a score of", card_value_total)

                    elif cmp_card_value_total > 21:
                        print("The computer busts! They ended on a total of", cmp_card_value_total)

                elif card_value_total < cmp_card_value_total and cmp_card_value_total <= 21:
                    print("The computer wins! They ended on a score of", cmp_card_value_total, "while you ended on a score of", card_value_total)

                elif cmp_card_value_total > 21:
                    print("The computer busts! They ended on a total of", cmp_card_value_total)

            elif card_value_total < cmp_card_value_total and cmp_card_value_total <= 21:
                print("The computer wins! They ended on a score of", cmp_card_value_total, "while you ended on a score of", card_value_total)

            elif cmp_card_value_total > 21:
                print("The computer busts! They ended on a total of", cmp_card_value_total)

#print(cmp_card_one, cmp_card_two, cmp_card_three, cmp_card_four, cmp_card_five, cmp_card_six)

def broken():
    global card_value_total, wallet, bet, wallet_total, comp_wallet, comp_wallet_total
    wallet_total = (wallet - bet)
    comp_wallet_total = (comp_wallet + bet)
    print("Round Over: you went over 21. your final amount was", card_value_total, ". You lost", bet, "Your wallet is now", wallet_total)
    print("Press 1 to continue the game, or 2 to back out.")
    while True:
            continue_game = int(input())
            break  # Exit the loop if the input is successfully converted
        except ValueError:
            print("Invalid input. Press 1 to continue the game, or 2 to back out.")
    if continue_game == 1:
    if continue_game == 2:
    elif continue_game not in (1, 2):
def broken_error():
    print("Press 1 to continue the game, or 2 to back out.")
    continue_game = int(input())
    if continue_game == 1:
    if continue_game == 2:
    elif continue_game not in (1, 2):
def back_out():
    print("You have left the game. Your final amount was", card_value_total, ". You lost", bet, "Your wallet is now", wallet_total)

def comp_win():
    global bet, wallet, wallet_total, comp_wallet, comp_wallet_total
    wallet_total = (wallet - bet)
    comp_wallet_total = (comp_wallet + bet)
    print("Press 1 to continue the game, or 2 to back out.")
    while True:
            continue_game = int(input())
            break  # Exit the loop if the input is successfully converted
        except ValueError:
            print("Invalid input. Press 1 to continue the game, or 2 to back out.")
    if continue_game == 1:
    if continue_game == 2:

def repeat_error():
    print("Press 1 to continue the game, or 2 to back out.")
    while True:
            continue_game = int(input())
            break  # Exit the loop if the input is successfully converted
        except ValueError:
            print("Invalid input. Press 1 to continue the game, or 2 to back out.")
    if continue_game == 1:
    if continue_game == 2:

def comp_bust():
    global bet, wallet, wallet_total, comp_wallet, comp_wallet_total
    wallet_total = (wallet + bet)
    comp_wallet_total = (comp_wallet - bet)
    print("Press 1 to continue the game, or 2 to back out.")
    while True:
            continue_game = int(input())
            break  # Exit the loop if the input is successfully converted
        except ValueError:
            print("Invalid input. Press 1 to continue the game, or 2 to back out.")
    if continue_game == 1:
    if continue_game == 2:

def win():
    print("Congratulation! You beat the computer. Play again? Press 1 to play, or 2 to exit.")
    play_again = int(input())
    if play_again == 1:
    elif play_again == 2:
        print("Come again!")
    elif play_again not in (1, 2):

def lose():
    print("The computer wins, leaving you broke. But, we can always give you a loan? Play again? Press 1 to play, or 2 to exit.")
    play_again = int(input())
    if play_again == 1:
    elif play_again == 2:
        print("Come again!")
    elif play_again not in (1, 2):

def play_again_choice():
    print("Press 1 to play, or 2 to exit.")

    play_again = int(input())
    if play_again == 1:
    elif play_again == 2:
        print("Come again!")
    elif play_again not in (1, 2):


There’s a lot of functions calling functions calling functions…

Unless exit() is called, a function will return, and I suspect that’s what’s happening.

The program needs more loops instead of recursive calls. That would make it clearer.

Oh, and judicious use of lists instead of multiple variables (card_num_one, card_num_two, etc.) would also make it shorter and clearer.

Finally, it’s picking any possible card at random, basically from an infinite number of packs. Blackjack is played with 8 packs of cards, so it should really be taking cards from a collection of 8 packs, otherwise the odds would be off - you could get more than 8 of a certain card!

I’m with @MRAB on this. Your code can be condensed by just applying dictionaries:

For example,

card_num_one = 0
card_num_two = 0
card_num_three = 0
card_num_four = 0
card_num_five = 0
card_num_six = 0
card_num_seven = 0

…, can be condensed to (as an example of course since there is a key/value relationship):

card_nums = {'one': 0, 'two': 0, 'three': 0, 'four': 0, 'five': 0, 'six': 0, 'seven': 0}

Here, we have condensed the code from 7 lines to one. This will help you both manage your script and debug it.

If you need to update the value, say for ‘three’, do it like this:

card_nums['three'] = 5

to verify the change:


if you want to arbitrarily verify the value:

if card_nums['three'] == 5:
    print('Yes, the value is 5')

My preference would be to count from 0, like Python does, and use a list:

card_nums = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

or, as you’re working with numbers (which are immutable):

card_nums = [0] * 7