Hello, I’m new to this forum
I want to get into AI-ML, machine learning and neural networks.
Since like I first started doing Python in 2020 and heard my teachers talk about how AI and deep learning was going to be the big thing in a few years, I wanted to make a deep learning program or AI model, which’d like control your mouse and keyboard inputs and speedrun games I like (mostly the old GTAs, Need For Speeds from ps2 era, Plants vs Zombies) in a way so it could find glitches and make new tactics on the fly.
I can’t afford any of the paid courses available online which is why currently I’m watching a lot of Statquest, and some Andrej Karpathy, but I haven’t done anything on the coding part.
I want some advice on what I should do next after watching StatQuest to like work towards that project if it is possible