Path.exists() strange behavior for windows share

I have a windows file server (Win Server 2003 Standard x64 Edition).

On a Debian machine (9.13 Stretch) I mounted a Windows share pointing to abovementioned machine like this:

I added this line in file /etc/fstab:
// /mnt/fsdata cifs uid=postgres,username=<*user*>,password=<*pwd*>,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm 0 0

/mnt/fsdata contains csv files.

On the windows machine, when I “cut” or “drag” all the files away from folder, and run Path.exists() on /mnt/fsdata, the result is always true. (=incorrect)

On the windows machine, when I delete all the files, and run Path.exists() on /mnt/fsdata, the result is false. (=correct)

It seems that cut or drag is not recognized on Debian side, and python still “sees” the files as being there.

What can be done to avoid this?

I searched a lot online but found no answers.

Thank you